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TGV Industry Insider With Rebecca And Paul Of Mrs Lord & Co

Oct 9, 2014
TGV: Hello Mrs and Mr Lord! Many thanks for taking some time out to chat with The Grumpy Vaper. How are you? What juice are you vaping today?

Rebecca: Custard Cream of course, but I did indulge in some Seville Marmalade first thing this morning.

TGV: Aye, Custard Cream is one of my faves from the Mrs Lord & Co range.

Paul: Mainly Custard Cream, but dripping Druide when I feel like a change.

TGV: So, give me an introduction to Mrs Lord & Co, what are you all about? What influences you?

Rebecca: I love history, especially the Victorian times. This entire business has stemmed from my copy of Mrs Beeton's Household Management. I have a weakness for traditional shops such as bakeries and sweet shops. I also love vaping and I truly consider it to be an absolute life saver for smokers.

TGV: Can’t argue with that.

Paul: It's all about flavours which are what they say they are, although this does make creating recipes very difficult!

TGV: Can you tell me about your business ethos?

Rebecca: Quality, quality and quality. We have spent so long finding the best ingredients. The search will probably never end really with new flavours on the horizon. We look upon other vapers as an extension of ourselves and hope they are looking for the same things that we are.

Paul: Customer satisfaction. A quality product, ready to use, delivered quickly.

TGV: Could you take us through how you develop your juice line and the flavours?

Rebecca: We start with research first then Paul has a tinker. When he thinks he's getting close, he gives into to my persistent begging and lets me try. The proof of the pudding is the Mrs Lord team. They don't mince their words!

Paul: I choose ingredients based on the flavour requested from all of our key suppliers, mix each individual flavouring at several strengths to determine the correct balance and then select the most accurate. The flavours are then combined in varying ratios to allow each flavour to be detectable, but not overpowering. This can be extremely time consuming, for example I profiled 9 different apple flavourings whilst creating Toffee Apple, The final choice was a blend of 2 as they were both very accurate in different ways.

TGV: So, how do you come up with ideas your flavours?

Rebecca: Um, Mrs Beeton is usually the first port of call. We have to think long and hard to make sure any flavours fit in with our brand. We do get asked for flavours such as blueberry. As much as we love them ourselves, the only way we could manage it would be by using bilberries.

Paul: I am not very creative, I just make whatever is requested!

TGV: How do you know when a flavour is perfect, when it’s time to stop research and development?

Rebecca: Realising that you have vaped nothing else for the past week. The Mrs Lord team shouting “don't touch it” generally works well too.

Paul: Once I think it's accurate enough, I'll give the team the best 3 to 5 recipes to test, it's then a democratic process, but can even lead to a combination of two or more of those recipes should there not be a clear winner.

TGV: Does the food you love influence you in any way? Maybe some childhood food memories?

The rest if the interview is here >>>>
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