Morning All; just wanted to say that after various battles with getting used to vaping it seems to be getting easier now glad to say. About 33 days of vaping today. My chest seems to be much clearer and I no longer feel so gunked up as before. I was getting a lot of chest pains before on the heavy smoking, these seem thankfully to have all gone, and I no longer cough heavily anymore, hardly cough at all now. As I say my chest feels lighter and clearer, and I can draw in deep breaths again without coughing and spluttering my lungs out. After about 45 smokes a day for 37 years I'm now down to between 2-5 smokes a day, then vaping the rest. Slowly I plan to phase these remaining smokes out completely. It truly feels great to be getting my health back finally. Definitely on the right road now. Thanks to you all here. Have a great day!!!....