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Sub Ohm THC/Mike Vapes Blaze rta


May 14, 2016
My review of the Thunderhead Creations/Mike Vapes Blaze RTA is now on the front page:

Many thanks to @Healthcabin for sending it over for review
Thanks for the review, some great coils you've made there :2thumbsup: The drip tip thing is a bit of a piss off, lots of people like this rta :)
Nearly missed the drip tip... you kind of assume when they say “810 drip tip” they mean it but it’s actually a teeny bit on the small side.
Lol I think we have very similar tastes mate. Was just looking at this to review myself. Will pick something else though as I seem to be copying you quite a lot these past few months and I can always buy one. Totally unintentional as well.

Looks a good RTA. I don't dabble with dual coilers much myself but I do like to have the odd one around. Like the top airflow and the coil placement. Seems like it'd foster good flavour.
@Gitchy flavour is superb, well worth getting your hands on to review if you can ;)

If you're after a single coiler the vapefly lindwurm is a good choice... Review incoming soon.
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