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The “scourge”(!!) of vaping - hidden in plain sight ….

Yeah, as convenient as they may be I’ve changed my tune. They’ve gotta go- doing lots of harm to vaping as a whole imo and detracting from what people in the industry have been trying to achieve for years.
I always knew this was going to happen, although I’ve used them a couple of times (never purchased any) I’ve always thought if there not stopped it would give them more ammunition to further attack vaping in general
The UK government has no immediate plans to introduce a ban on disposable vapes, though it is looking at updating regulations on electrical waste and recycling. :- Like this! Instead of introducing legislation aimed at Vaping, aim it at single use electronics, make them either banned or make them prohibitively expensive to recycle, they vanish.

“We will consider what changes in legislation are needed to ensure the vaping sector foots the bill for the collection and treatment of their used products,” said a spokesperson for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. :- I’d hope it would be aimed at the Vaping companies/retailers selling disposables or manufacturing them. I don’t see why vendors that refuse to touch them should pay to clean up a problem created by others.
I'm hoping they do like a blanket £5 tax on all internal battery Vapes. Really basic easy to follow rule and it would kill off disposables and encourage manufacturers to make removable battery pods. They won't do that and will do something totally stupid instead though.
i think it’s maybe more likely the scottish gov will ban them. there’s a consultation happening and one of the options they are looking at is banning them. two councils, dundee and glasgow, have announced support for a ban. get to it, i say.
i've had enough if it tbh, shit juice, shit all round for the industry.

Its not hard to use 40% flavouring packed with neotame, these devices have put a massive blanket over the actual craft that is making juice
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