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The Best MTL RBA for the DOTAIO V2?


May 8, 2022
That’s a lot of abbreviations! Okay, this is probably a niche within a niche, but ever since I got my DOTAIO V2 , I’ve been going a bit wild with dotrbas. Not a fan of boros, but I’ve had some joy with the dot as my daily banger. Now I’ve purchased most of the rbas available: Auguse Era v2, Pandora, Pioneer, Dotshell (Ulton), Dotmobb (sh*t clone), Evl Spot (Sxk), and even a Bilux (got it for £15!). Don’t yet have a Dotmission, a Silo, or a Bishop. I’m searching for that perfect mtl golf ball/garden hose vape, feels like 0.8-0.9mm. So far, through maddening trial and error, my two clear favorites are the Pioneer with the .08mm (may even be too tight!) and the Auguse with the smallest pin. The Dotshell is worth a mention with the 1mm insert. FYI, I run a SS 1ohm fused clapton on tc. Anybody who would like to share their experiences/preferences? Should I buy a Silo or a Bishop? Was this too thin for a thread?
Only advice I can give is to stop buying shit clones, I'll bet the EVL tank is far better than the knockoff version. I know the boro iteration is excellent.
The bishop is considerably looser than the pioneer. Might be worth trying a genuine EVL, they do a 0.8 air flow pin sold separately (ta @John R).
Only advice I can give is to stop buying shit clones, I'll bet the EVL tank is far better than the knockoff version.
Not entirely in agreement there… Shit clones are my inroads to high-end. As with rtas, I’m not willing to invest £80+ in an atty or rba I haven’t tried. I now have several high-end rtas that I first tried (and loved) thanks to FastTech. The quality on many of the clones is excellent (others not so).
Another example: I’m going to pick up an authentic Dotshell next week because I have enjoyed the clone so much. As for the Evl, it’s machined well and is an exact copy of the original, as far as I can tell. It’s undoubtedly due to me being a retard and not managing its strange bow tie wicking well enough.
The bishop is considerably looser than the pioneer. Might be worth trying a genuine EVL, they do a 0.8 air flow pin sold separately (ta @John R).
Thanks for the tip, won’t have to waste my money! I have the 0.8mm pin for the Sxk, but as I mentioned above, it’s probably my fault not wicking it correctly. I would consider buying an original, if for nothing else the challenge of mastering it, but it’s getting harder and harder to find any high-end dotrbas!
The Spot is £40 at the moment, not much more than you'd pay for some Chinese mass produced stuff...
The Spot is £40 at the moment, not much more than you'd pay for some Chinese mass produced stuff...
On that I do agree! Firstly, where?!? I have links to most of not all the high-end shops that ship to Norway…haven’t seen one. Secondly, if I pay £40 from an English shop, it’ll cost me £10 in shipping (at least), and a total of £80 after customs etc. Therefore, I have to be really sure before I make a high-end purchase. No customs or VAT from Chinese stores, so another reason I have chosen to try clones first. But if you have any tips on where to pick up dotrbas, I am grateful
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