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the cigalike


Staff member
Jul 11, 2012
The cigalike
This is the most basic set up and the one that commonly attracts new vapers to the fold. It is made up of a small battery unit, often with a coloured light up tip, and an atomiser (the business end which holds and heats the eliquid). There are two main types: Disposable: pre-filled and non replaceable, once youʼve used it you have to replace the whole thing.
Reusable: These come as a two part unit, consisting of a small rechargeable battery and a replaceable pre-filled cartomiser (another type of atomiser). Once the flavour/vape quality starts to drop off, you just stick on a new cartomiser on and away you go. They are commonly filled with tobacco or menthol flavours of different strengths, commonly high, medium and low. The cartomisers can work out to be quite expensive and the limited choice of flavours often leads new vapers on to the next step up......
Never used one, know next to fuck all about them.
Never used one, know next to fuck all about them.
In hind sight I could just have said "shitty little thing that looks like shit, feels like shit, tastes like shit and basically is shit" but I figured more detail was needed! I only tried them last year when dad got rushed to hospital. I got all the way down to Bristol before realising I'd packed everything but my charger so it was cigalikes or nothing. I leant a very valuable lesson that no matter how shit things are....never forget to pack a charger cos it will only make things even worse!
I think I'd like a decent back-up for when I'm having beers. I like a baccy vape and a decent cigalike recommendation would be great to try out...if there is such a thing.
I think I'd like a decent back-up for when I'm having beers. I like a baccy vape and a decent cigalike recommendation would be great to try out...if there is such a thing.
There isn't! Actually that is harsh. They are ok for the first couple of puffs before the panic subsides....then they taste shit! I tried a couple of different varieties and they all tasted vile and no vapour worth mentioning. Just shit!
There isn't! Actually that is harsh. They are ok for the first couple of puffs before the panic subsides....then they taste shit! I tried a couple of different varieties and they all tasted vile and no vapour worth mentioning. Just shit!

HOL's cigaralikes?

Hasn't someone in Admin had them? Don't know if it was Dave or Mark.
HOL's cigaralikes?

Hasn't someone in Admin had them? Don't know if it was Dave or Mark.
Strangely enough they didn't stick them at the local bargain booze! I tried a lucky Buddha and a elite. The lucky Buddha was marginly nicer as it didn't feel like a mule had kicked me in the neck and then crapped in my mouth.
We'll i paid a lot for my first vaping kit which was a cigalike. Green smoke. I know they take a lot of abuse but I tried one again the other day, and it wasn't bad, especially the one with the black filter tip. It wasn't bad at all TBH...
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