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The return to MTL and restricted lung vaping

Guys I fancy a new mtl tank. Something cheap and cheerful. Any suggestions?
umm...... I was going to say rose 2-s clone but I've never put more than 60% VG in it... so I can't answer that for sure.
Have you got a link? I'm willing to check it out. Someone had a rose3 on here. Really nice looking tank.
Have you got a link? I'm willing to check it out. Someone had a rose3 on here. Really nice looking tank.

Sure, this is the one I have ..... probably worth watching a few youtube videos about wicking/coiling because it does take a bit of getting used to and it's not as straight forward as some tanks, saying that though I'm pretty much a noob and I get on fine with it.


here's mine in 'real life' :D

Rose 2 is a lovely mtl tank. I've a clone that I might unboxed again seeing this post
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