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The return to MTL and restricted lung vaping

Not really mate, it's my favourite rebuildable tank by a long way ..... I have a Kayfun clone on the way though, so it may have a challenger soon. I didn't like the Taifun GT-T 2 ... vapes nice but it doesn't feel or look very well made (a clone)

Other than that I'm Nautilus, Kabuki clone, Silo lite, for chuck a coil in, grab and go vaping most of the time.
I love my taifun but i can't help thinking i might be missing out. I think it'd got a touch of 'the grass is greener' syndrome!

What like are the lemos anyone know?
mmmm, well my taifun tasted great, on par with anything but mines well shonky, all the threads are crap, the screws to hold the coil are crap, it's got a horrible 'dirty' finish, and it's such a pita I don't bother with it anymore. The rose to me tastes as good but just feels more solid and much better made (and looks better) so I'll take that anytime. It's not without it's quirks but I like it a lot.
Have to agree @vapemac. KF3 mini is a dream and it just works. It is the most consistent tank I own using 80 vg chain vaping. A joy to vape and highly recommend you try one.

When you started this thread did you ever imagine it would turn into what is essentially a MTL subforum and still be going 4 months later? :D
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