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The Stealthvape android app


Putting the soup into super hero
May 14, 2013
What do you need most in the world? That’s right, not that but what we do have for you though is the amazing Stealthvape android coil calculator app.

Visitors to our Rebuildable Supplies section will have seen the coiling calculator developed by Lars Simonsen. Well, we’ve asked Lars to help us provide you with a version of the calculator to take out and about on any android-powered device.

It gives information when using new wire or different coiling diameters on how many wraps will provide a desired resistance - very useful for both experience vapers and those new to coiling.

In the app:

  • Select the wire material from the drop-down box.
  • Choose single, dual, triple or quad coil.
  • Enter the AWG or mm or your chosen wire
  • Pop in your target resistance

It’s that easy – and being on your mobile device means that you won’t be tied to coiling in front of your computer screen. You can factor in the diameter of the coil and even the lengths of the coil legs.

Finally you get the option to specify whether you are using a microcoil or one with spaced coils. How brilliant is that? While you are there, if you fancy ordering some extra supplies just tap on the Stealthvape logo and it’ll pop you straight to us.

When you install the app we won’t ask you for permission to access your contacts, the ability to phone our friends in Guam or download your collection of pictures from the last One Direction concert. We won't ask for any permissions at all.

And how much is this super app? Like our Muji cotton pads – it’s free!

You can get the app from the Google Play store here.



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I'm looking forward to getting a DNA40 so I can make my 328 wrap coil.
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AND it doesn't ask for permission on everything on your phone (unlike the bec pro stuff I found today) - GREAT JOB STEALTHVAPE!!

Only poked it a bit as such, Haven't used it in real life so far, But seems to come out at the same resistances as I normally use in trial and error.....might save me some time and wire in the future....And a boon to the less initiated....At least now you know what type/diameter of wire to buy for the desired resistance....thumbs up...:)
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