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Feb 16, 2014
Well its time too retire my Stillare clone to my at home setup so I've been hearing really good things about the TOBH both original and the clones but that's from reviewers and to be ho eat I prefer m the opinions of guys and gals like me.
Nothing against reviewers like they do an awesome job but I prefer people who don't review the things I wanna buy, just me.
So has anyone used the TOBH? what are your guys' opinions on it? Cheers guys!

Sent from my XT1032 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Personally I don't like it, I find the airflow control tab a pain as it just gets in the way, and it just feels awkward to build on compared to my Stillare and APO

Sent from a howitzer in my back garden
I got one on recommendation as my first RDA so I do not have anything to compare it to. I now have two lol.

Its a breeze to build compared to things like the fogger etc.

I have found it to be a flavourful device, and for me, the airflow adjustment is good. You will need to put a little bit of juice in the o-rings and make sure you use a nice wide bore drip tip.

The issues I have had with the two clones that I have is that with thin kanthal, the screws can cut it off, so be aware of that when you are snugging it down.

And it looks great.
Easy to build on, looks good, but the airflow is crap.
Closed, it's too airy for a mouth draw, and fully open, it's too tight for a lung hit (in my personal experience anyway)
That's a clone btw, no idea how good an original is.

My IGO-W leaves it for dead with an oversized airhole, and a piece of tape to adjust the airflow!
Easy to build on, looks good, but the airflow is crap.
Closed, it's too airy for a mouth draw, and fully open, it's too tight for a lung hit (in my personal experience anyway)
That's a clone btw, no idea how good an original is.

My IGO-W leaves it for dead with an oversized airhole, and a piece of tape to adjust the airflow!

Until your tape catches fire lol, then its TOBH for the win!
Until your tape catches fire lol, then its TOBH for the win!

Dude, the amount of air that howls through that oversized hole means there's more chance of the tape getting fragile and cracking with the cold!
I'm considering fitting a second coil next to the tape to try it keep it warm... ;)
Well its time too retire my Stillare clone to my at home setup so I've been hearing really good things about the TOBH both original and the clones but that's from reviewers and to be ho eat I prefer m the opinions of guys and gals like me.
Nothing against reviewers like they do an awesome job but I prefer people who don't review the things I wanna buy, just me.
So has anyone used the TOBH? what are your guys' opinions on it? Cheers guys!

Sent from my XT1032 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

I've got the 26650-size Tobeco Tobh; my only other RDA is an Igo-W7. The Tobh is much easier to work in, with plenty of room for a noob like me to build dual coils (quad coils is a realistic option). It has a BIG juice well, the posts are a good size and the holes on negative posts were a big plus for me (I don't much like the Igo's little posts, and having to wire around the post while tightening down at same time). I've read the 18650-size Tobh gives better flavour, but don't have it so can't compare - I'm happy with the flavour I get, though.

The only major drawback I've found is that the sleeve is an extremely tight fit on the deck. I had a helluva job getting it off, out of the box, and once on again it won't budge to adjust the airflow. I'm hoping it will loosen in time. A poster on an American site has the same problem.

It is funny how reviewers never seem to have these sorts of basic problems. But then you see what trouble Todd found himself in, when he pointed out a basic problem with the Manhattan...
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