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The vapor surrounding ‘e-cigs’ Electronic cigarettes gaining popularity, despite FDA





People hoping to quit smoking have turned to e-cigs with the belief that they offer less nicotine than the tobacco cigarette, a belief medical officials refute.

Alyssa Bredin from Hoboken has been a smoker for eight years and has now become an e-cig user. Bredin has been “vaping” for about a year now and could not be happier with the results, she said.

“I feel better; I don’t smell; and I can breathe easier,” she said. “My throat used to be so dry all the time when I would wake up. As far as I know [the only real ingredient] is nicotine, and nictotine is a stimulant and it’s not that bad for you, [unlike] the 50 million chemicals in cigarettes.”

Bredin’s mother, Terri Bish, also a Hoboken resident, also transitioned from tobacco cigarettes to e-cigs. Bish believes that the U.S. made e-cigs are far more safe than those from other countries.

“The American-grade nicotine goes to the standards, much like the patch, and you can mix your own,” said Bish. “Usually if you order [electronic cigarettes] from the United States it gives you the exact ingredients in the nicotine. The stuff coming out of China does not. My lungs cleared up; I don’t have that smoker’s cough when I get up in the morning; your nasal passages don’t feel dry; [there’s] no tar and crap all over my teeth anymore. It leaves no smell. For most heavy smokers, this has been a life saver.”

Read more:Hudson Reporter - The vapor surrounding ‘e cigs’ Electronic cigarettes gaining popularity despite FDA concerns
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