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Three from Vape Geek


Putting the soup into super hero
May 14, 2013
This is the standard bit of text put at the top of reviews which nobody reads because they aren't expecting me to suddenly put up a link to a hard core image. If by any stroke of the imagination someone is still reading this little font in a funny colour then you will know what to expect next: my words, not POTV's, I paid for two and received a 5ml sampler for free Now move along, there's nothing to see here...


Chi clone, fully open Trident clone, 4mm silica, 0.5 Kanthal ribbon, 0.5 ohm
Sentinel M16 clone, Igo-L (drilled out to 1.5mm), 4mm silica, 0.5 Kanthal ribbon, 1.0 ohm

Russian Grenade @ 12mg with 10% vodka
Blue Ice @ 12mg
Maximus @ 12mg

These are big, bold steps for me; like Neil Armstrong bouncing around on a space hopper in the blacked-out hanger I was taking giant leaps for Mawsleykind. Never before had I vaped at 0.5 ohm, nor had I experienced vodka in a juice, I'd not gone for an out and out menthol prior to this and I would not have knowingly vaped another tobacco through free choice. Life's for living though, eh? Without experimentation where would we be? The long answer to this poser, fellow vapers, involves a fierce animal, a club for liberal-minded gentlemen and a new use for the word 'frotting'.

But this is the short version:

Russian Grenade
attracted my attention because I like the word grenade, adore vodka and felt adventurous. @Vape Geek had recently been brilliant so I wanted to throw another order their way. They say that they aimed for the flavour of Absolute Citron and I can confirm that the citrus is there in the form of the lime. It is possible that my testing failed to pull out the lemon but on similar gear I do just that with another rather popular citric juice.

I went for my usual lung-full as soon as the bottle came - do not do that. It wasn't unpleasant, far from it, but the grenade exploded. Exhaling down my nostrils caused the receptors to fire off in overdrive to the citric acid.

This isn't an acrid vape by any means, the vodka may add more kick than a donkey with a jalapeño up its rectum but the overall tone is smooth and slightly sweet when having more amps pushed through it.

This won't become my new ADV but I'll be cracking it out every time I need to add a little extra zing to the day...just not by the sub-ohm lungful and not at breakfast.

You have the option to have just 5% vodka added, you also have the option to vape more sensibly that I do. If this could be tweaked to bring out the lemon more I'd reorder this.


Blue Ice is a Ronseal juice. Vape Geek say that it is a Menthol with hints of Blueberry and I say it is definitely that. You can breath in a sweet blueberry tone upon opening the bottle but when vaping it is the menthol which comes crashing over your tongue. Only upon the exhale do I then pick up the blueberries. Much milder to vape than the impact of the Grenade before it. Again, something I will return to for those earlier in the day moments or when the tongue needs cleaning up but this is sadly not an ADV for me either.

Being my first proper menthol was an experience but not one I'll probably repeat with any vendor. It's just not my cup of tea and I say that without besmirching Blue Ice. I think I just prefer menthol to be a background note in a juice and not the principal act.


I don't feel I lost a match, there are five minutes left, but I just can't see a goal being scored and so I was tempted to get out of my seat and go do something else. Tempted, but didn't.

Maximus finished off the trial to see if I could possibly find something to become another ADV or a complement to an evening libation. What I discovered this weekend, having gone through my full range of juices at home, was that not one of them worked very well with cider. Snake Oil came the closest, the rest were just too sweet or deserty, but none hit the mark. I fancied trying a tobacco vape even though I recalled my repulsion of all those I had received at Vapefest, about 12 different ones in total. So, I dripped onto the 1ohm coil expecting the worst.

And now I'd like you to picture in your mind that face Todd pulls when he is surprised. That's my face, but clearly not as dashing.

I am genuinely intrigued.

It is, as claimed, a mild tobacco taste. One so mild that I would hesitate to call it tobacco for the one main reason that I don't dislike it. I'd go beyond that, I'm drawn back to it. There is a complexity here which I simply can't put my finger on. Vape Geek describe hints of coffee but that is beyond my palette. I'm getting the possibility of spices coupled with a scent and a taste of...I simply don't know. It seems so damn familiar and yet the nearest I might come is maybe honey? Coconut?

Powering into the 0.5ohm pit, the bottom line on this is that it has the feint aroma from the bottle of a bustling Moroccan souk, a hint of sweetness, a well rounded taste and a (...dare I use the phrase? Yes. Yes I dare...) very Moorish appeal.

As football fans know very well, a win is a win and three points is three points...but those rare moments when you sit through to the final whistle and nick the game from the dying embers - those moments are special. So, so special. Maximus rose at the far post with seconds on the clock to bury the severed head with his leathered hand. The Circus went wild, there's people on the linea alba, they think it's all over. It is now. They'll be celebrating in the Seven Hills tonight!

This I will definitely be adding to the collection with an order.


All three juices are £4.99 for 10ml, £8.99 for 20ml. Vodka at 5 or 10ml in the Grenade is included in the price.

All available from clicking on the links I embedded or from visiting http://www.vapegeek.co.uk/main.sc
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Nice review! What's the difference between 4mm and 2mm Silica? And before someone says it, I don't mean 2mm :D
Nice review! What's the difference between 4mm and 2mm Silica? And before someone says it, I don't mean 2mm :D

Difference 1. I believe it wicks faster than doubled 2mm. I could be wrong.
Difference 2. I tend to stick with the tried and tested for my KFL, and that is my 2mm stock. The 4mm is being used on drippers. :)
Upon saying all of that I'd point out that I've become very aware that my sensitivity for juices alters depending on a load of different factors during the day/week and months. To that end I'll follow this up in around a fortnight to see how my initial feelings about the three stand longer term vaping.
I'm still chuckling about that review 10 minutes after reading it,especially the "I went for my usual lung-full as soon as the bottle came - do not do that. It wasn't unpleasant, far from it, but the grenade exploded. Exhaling down my nostrils caused the receptors to fire off in overdrive to the citric."

When I next possess some spendy stuff,I might just pop off an order to here.
FWIW manflu stuck yesterday evening and I've spent most of last night and this morning growing to like Blue Ice much more...approximately comparable to when the wife's extended Jeremy Kyle-like family come round and I have to get pissed, when needs must things become tolerable and then pleasurable.

Only Blue Ice doesn't make me want to rip my brain out and put it in a blender.

Maximus continues to caress me in a sexual way that is both welcome and rewarding.
Set up one of the T2s with this microcoil/wick and vaping at 12.5W is unlike any previous wick I've had going on them. It's certainly opened up microcoils and cotton again for me as it'd all lost its lustre.

Filled the tank with Russian Grenade and I have a gorgeous, smooth citrus coming through with the edge taken clean off the lime and replaced with a balanced lemon&lime flavour. The throat hit is such that I really have to limit the draw.

I had drilled out the airhole to 1.5mm on the cap but having had to use .3 instead of .32 and not having the drillbit meant my coil came in at 2.2ohm.

I tried this on a mech but the flavour was off and I don't have a Kick - so onto the ZmaxV3 and VW for the blinkin win.

I commend this method to the house.
Rip Trippers may be an utter arse but this video has transformed my experience of mesh, microcoils, gennys and the Maximus juice.

This juice is a brilliant accompaniment to beer.

8 wraps, 1.2 ohms, onto a mech mod and I'm in heaven. The woody, spicy texture to the juice is now balanced while there is a little sweetness to couple the sense of spice and slight bitterness. The lounge has transformed itself into an extension of Tangiers.

This has been another one of those seismic shifts in my vaping experience. An order for 20ml of Maximus will be the next purchase I make.
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I really like the limey citrus flavour in the russian grenade, i also purchased the peach kiss from vape geeek which i do really like! Nice and creamy peach.
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