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Oct 14, 2014
Ok so I'm going to dip my toes in and try some temp control 'I'm thinking I'll go with ss wire I've got mods that offer the temp control function got a few rebuildable tanks and drippers'I'm happy to buy a new tank if necessary but I'm not sure what gauge of wire to get ill be getting it from stealthvapes any suggestions welcome.sammy.
Ok so I'm going to dip my toes in and try some temp control 'I'm thinking I'll go with ss wire I've got mods that offer the temp control function got a few rebuildable tanks and drippers'I'm happy to buy a new tank if necessary but I'm not sure what gauge of wire to get ill be getting it from stealthvapes any suggestions welcome.sammy.

I'd aim for 0.5 Ohm or more, and in your shoes I would think about the build (number and diameter of wraps) I want to do, pop it into steam engine and then pick the gauge that will put me around 0.5 Ohm. Probably 29g or 28g.

By the way, I don't think @stealthvape sell SS, but I could be wrong.
@stealthvape is the friendliest, most helpful vendor you can find.. PM him and he will help you immensely and sort an order out for you.. No question too silly to ask him and nothing he doesnt know about the products he sell..
I just ordered some ss wire. Unfortunately stealthvape doesn't sell it currently or I'd of got it from him. I got mine from the vape mesh company.
Ordered some 29 gauge as wire from the vape mesh company.so I'll be back asking more daft questions in a bit thanks Sammy.
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