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tobacco menthol ?


Jul 15, 2012
my wife used to smoke menthol analogues, she's now been vaping for a few months and has enjoyed trying sweeter juices but she is keen to try a menthol tobacco, any recommendations ?

she has tried several menthol juices but would like to try a tobacco/menthol one now

Your best bet, is to pick up a good baccy flavour she likes, get some menthol crystals (i believe boots sells them) and ad one or two til she likes the flavour.

Be aware, menthol crystals dilute better in PG.
thanks for the replies, my wife has plenty of menthol juices including the one suggested, don't know where to even start with a tobacco juice though, think she's after quite a mild tobacco taste

will have a look at those thanks, complete newbie as far as tobacco juice goes

I can highly recommend El Toro Cigarillos.
Has rapidly become my all day vape :)
will have a look at those thanks, complete newbie as far as tobacco juice goes


If you use menthol concentrates, be aware that most are extremely strong. The same applies to crystals dissolved in PG. Most tobacco concentrates from Perfumers Apprentice and Flavour Arts are also strong. You might end up with a mix of 2.5% of each. I have diluted menthol concentrate in PG before dripping it into a 10ml bottle - because it is so strong - same with tobacco. A good start might be M-Type or RY4 tobacco and something like Flavour Arts Menthol (Arctic). I wouldn't start with crystals at first - I'd move on to that when you've made a flavour 'She Who Must Be Obeyed' likes. There are reviews of M-Type and the RY4 flavours in the Flavour Concentrate Reviews section of the site. Liberty Flights has a broad selection and you can pick up a discount code on this site too.
If you use menthol concentrates, be aware that most are extremely strong. The same applies to crystals dissolved in PG. Most tobacco concentrates from Perfumers Apprentice and Flavour Arts are also strong. You might end up with a mix of 2.5% of each. I have diluted menthol concentrate in PG before dripping it into a 10ml bottle - because it is so strong - same with tobacco. A good start might be M-Type or RY4 tobacco and something like Flavour Arts Menthol (Arctic). I wouldn't start with crystals at first - I'd move on to that when you've made a flavour 'She Who Must Be Obeyed' likes. There are reviews of M-Type and the RY4 flavours in the Flavour Concentrate Reviews section of the site. Liberty Flights has a broad selection and you can pick up a discount code on this site too.

'She Who Must Be Obeyed' you've met my wife then ?

thanks for all the info there, i'm a little confused on the el torro cigarillos one, as a non smoker myself would a cigar flavoured juice not taste very different to a cigarette flavour ? i realise they're both tobacco but i thought they'd be very different ?

i looked at the juice reviews and can see ry4 ones but m type ? is m type known bt another name ?

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