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Traders ...Vendors......


Nov 7, 2013
First of all I'd like to thank you all for your commitment to the vaping scene, but as I understand it, it's a small (at the moment) market to the final users of your wares.
Should there not be a definitive area or website that describes your wares and services ??

Now, I am only speaking as a user. (whether it be via websites or B +M stores) but I want the biggest bang for my buck as it were, So why don't the vendors amalgamate and give us, the final user the best price for the particular things on offer....in fact set a price for juice/replaceable's/wicks/wire, and let us, the buying public decide who to buy from ......in this way, we can determine the quality, and the availability of our purchases prior to selling our souls on the internet and having to wait until such times as the trader can be bothered to sort out their mail.............

I agree as a consumer its a nice thought but in reality business is business.
From all the searching and browsing and late nights pulling my hair trying to decide what I want next, I dont think there is a huge price difference from vendor to vendor for the exact same products anyway.
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