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Tram driver is snapped smoking e-cigarette at controls




Angry passenger takes pic over ‘safety concerns’ and Metrolink bosses remind employee of rules on issue

The Metrolink driver smokes the e-cig at the controls

A tram driver was caught smoking an electronic cigarette while at the controls – by a passenger who snapped her in the act.
The woman driver has been spoken to by bosses after the incident in the city centre.
She was pictured by a commuter travelling from his home in Whitefield to his job in finance in Sale.
The 35-year-old passenger, who asked not to be named, said he saw the driver rummaging in her handbag while the tram was stopped at Shudehill – before she smoked the e-cig all the way to Market Street, where he got off.
He said: “What I saw wasn’t acceptable. I couldn’t believe it when she pulled out an e-cigarette. My first thought was for passenger safety – it’s clearly a distraction and the driver shouldn’t have anything that’s distracting.”
The driver was sitting in front of a sign saying ‘Please do not distract the driver while the tram is moving’.
The passenger added: “There should be policy on this. Anything that is taking the driver’s attention away from their job has got to be a bad thing. Luckily I was about to change trams – if I’d had to stay on it would have bothered me more and more.”
The passenger was travelling on the Bury to Droylsden line and changing in the city centre when the incident happened at 6.40am on Tuesday, August 13.
Metrolink chiefs told the M.E.N. they have asked staff not to smoke the e-cigs on the network as a courtesy to others – and are developing policies which could prohibit passengers from using them too.
Human resources boss Marie Daly said: “We have taken the steps to develop rules and procedures for the whole company which stipulate that e-cigarettes should only be used in designated areas. Given the ambiguity around the topic of e-cigarettes we will review any issues on a case-by-case basis.
“In the case of one of our drivers using an e-cigarette, we have spoken to the driver in question to ensure their understanding of our position regarding this subject, more from a safety point of view as the use of an e-cigarette may mean they could be distracted from their job.”
an angry passenger ....

"disgusted of wooten major"
Its enough to drive you off the fricken rails
Easily outraged from leighton buzzard (who doesn't want to be named) was quoted as saying "I'd rather have a vaping driver than a nicotene deprived nutter driving my tram!" :D
I had composed a lengthy and, what I considered to be, a thought provoking post, with regard to the attitude of the passenger. After re-reading it, I have decided to consign it to the bin. Hope that meets with the approval of the forum? The use of the word 'Tosser' was far to prevalent in my appraisal of the situation.
Sorry but i'm on the fence for this one. Yes there is a time and place to get your weapon of choice out for a pull. BUT. And quote "I'd rather have a vaping driver than a nicotene deprived nutter driving my tram!" :D
Shame it wasn't in Cambridge. The cops would probably exchanged juice flavours :)
"The incident" :lol1:

Where where the guys in chem suits escorting people through chemical rode side showers then :P

I'm not to young to remember bus drivers back before the public transport smoking ban with a roll up hanging from there hands as they went along and the ban was not because of distraction but for other obvious reasons.
Its easier to pop an ego into your shirt pocket than a lit tab lol
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