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Twist Batteries and Charging


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
Stupid question I have no doubt, but, when charging your eGos etc, do you turn the Battery off prior to charging, or do you just screw it in and let it get on with doing its thing? Also, despite regular cleaning and post checking of Battery and Charger, I am finding that the Batteries are taking considerably longer to charge now than ever before, so would it be wise to replace the USB Charger? I don't charge from the PC and always use the Mains.
Any observations would be really welcome.
Not an expert but i think the batteries will loose the life after x amount of charges, i was charging mine a lot and noticed they would take longer and longer. This is one on the reasons i moved on to mods as you can change out to fresh batteries.
Thinking much the same here I admit, but the egos are great for when we are out and about, so I think I'll look at getting some new USB chargers as well.
Out of all my ego's my twist does take the longest and I think it has got longer over time.

I got given a twist for review last week which was brand new so will flatten that one along with my other twist that I've been using for a couple of months to compare!
Stupid question I have no doubt, but, when charging your eGos etc, do you turn the Battery off prior to charging, or do you just screw it in and let it get on with doing its thing?

Not sure if it's actually a thing you need to do but I always turn my Spinners off and dial the voltage right down before I charge them. Sure I read somewhere that you're supposed to and I figured it can't do any harm
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