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Understanding Battery Labels


Jan 26, 2014
I have been Vaping for a couple of months and have decided to purchase a Tri-Post RDA..I currently use a Provari Mini with extended end cap thus using AW IMR 18490 3.7V 1100mA 4.1wH) Batterys..my preferred single Coil resistance range is currently 1.5ohms at between 3.3 to 4.0v with a kfl..my question is are these Batterys safe to use on dual coil RBA by staying within my preferred settings ?
At what point resistance wise/voltage increased would these Batterys become unstable if no shorts were applied to the device ? If Battery size is increased to 18650 would it just mean it would last longer ? Are protected Batterys safer to use with rebildables ?
You should only need to worry about batteries with mech mods, the provari should protect your batteries from shorts etc.
I have recently purchased a Mech mod for use with a dual coil RDA so need to know how safely I can proceed..sorry for all questions but have tried to search for my answers.
Ah ok, I didn't get that from your first post. IMR batteries should be fine - if you're particularly concerned then several vendors sell fuses that fit inside the mod to limit the current in case of a short. That is pretty much what protected batteries are anyway, a battery with a built in fuse. I think I'm right in saying that the fuses will allow more current through than most protected batteries will.

It is important that when you build your coils you know what the resistance is, particularly with dual coils since the resistance will be around half that of a single coil, does the Provari have a resistance checker?

If you want to go sub-ohm then you'll need batteries that can provide a higher continuous discharge current
Thanks for tip on fuses..Provari does have Ohm check function at above 1 Ohm..am aware about halving the Resistance when duel Coils are used..just been on Ohm Law calculator site,so if I decide to Vape at

Voltage = 4.2v
Current = 2.8 Amps
Resistance 1.5 Ohms
Power =11.7 Watts

My Battery is labelled as 1100mAh
Does this mean my Battery is safe to use at 11Amps continuousy without shorts ?l
No, 1100mAh is a measure of the amount of charge that the battery holds, ie it can deliver 1100mA over one hour - in practice the mAh rating is more of a rule of thumb.

If you're at 1.5 ohms though you should be perfectly fine in a mech, it's only really an issue when you go below 1 ohm.

See http://batteryuniversity.com/ for useful information on batteries.
The important figure missing on some Battery labels is the Amp discharge limit,in my case it is C15 which equates to 16.5amp limit if playing in sub-ohm range..hope this may help someone
finding themselves in that area.
This may not be of great help but i too recently got into a tri post rda & with my first coil build my mvp was showing a short & the safety kicked in. Anyway i stuck the atty on to my nemesis mod & when i fired it there was a rapid bright orange flash to the entire exposed atty head, i mean it really heated big & fast. Wasn't expecting that but there were no explosions & the battery still works. I can only guess that with the atty being new there was perhaps some liquid leaking through the centre or something. There's one good reason to buy decent batteries & meybe some inspiration to add a fuse.
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