I do find it ironic the number of discussions about the minute chemicals and the like that may or may not be in elqiuids and could possibly be harmful to you when for most of us we spent half our lives pufffing away on a cigarette without a second though for the thousands upon thosuands of chemicals in it and never once considered investigating them down to the last molecule
yet ecigs and the liquids associated with them seem to be under far more scutiny not just from the EU, scientists etc but also from the day to day vaper.
Im not saying we should be ignorant but do feel that perspective has become a little skewed in comparison to past smoking habits.
As far as eating with your eyes - yes, I agree. This juice caused a stir cos it looked like milk. There have been other wildly popular juices that have also become so popular because of their colour. The most notable being Pluid. which imo is an average aniseed juice which owes a large part of it's appeal due to it being bright green, it was also way way different to everything else that was around at the time.
The thing is that I expect that commercial juice makers would do their homework on the things they put into their liquids before selling them to the public. There is sufficient evidence to suggest TiO2 can cause lung cancer, certainly enough to warrant avoiding it's use as a colourant in products designed to be inhaled.
While yes we all used to inhale tobacco smoke with it's 4000 known (and god knows how many unknown) chemicals in it, and while some people do overcompensate , by and large most people vape in order to stop smoking.
Smoking carries a 50/50 risk of death by smoking related disease in the long term. Flip a coin, heads you win, tails you die a slow and painful death. Those aren't great odds. Isn't it better to avoid the things we're pretty sure are bad and to try to make vaping as safe as possible? I'd prefer not to have to flip that coin. It's likely that some of the ingredients we do use that we presently know little about will turn out to be harmful. I think that we take enough of a gamble on those without adding more.
Dr Farasalinos is conducting a study right now on e-liquid ingredients in an effort to make them safer, we don't use diacetyl because we know it has long term risks, we probably shouldn't use TiO2 for the same reason. We're still getting hamered by Public Health zealots who reference the 2009 FDA study that found di-ethylene glycol in one of the cartos they tested saying that e-liquid is anti-freeze. the same study found traces of tobacco specific nitrosiamines and we have the same people beating us over the head for e-cig vapour containing 'toxins' in their efforst to ban them. How much more ammunition would we give those people if we used substances with a known health risk attached - and how more responsible does the vaping industry look for quickly addressing those types of concerns?
Personally I don't use any colourings in any of the juice I make, maybe if I made my upcoming menthol blend glow in the dark bright blue it would sell more but I'd rather not.