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Upgrading from kanger Sub Ohm


New Member
Nov 13, 2015
Hey guys, My kanger Sub tank (the first one) is on its last legs..

I've looked everywhere online and its looking like I can't replace it:(

Looking for recommendations on a tank. Must be an RBA and decent size tank..

Thanks guys
Have you tried fasttech? I'm pretty sure they still sell the topfill version
Drops an RDA. OP is looking for an RTA. Read the posts before attacking the keyboard.
you say it must be rba ,do that mean you want to be able to use stock coils when life isn't playing
the tfv8 is a nice tank that has an rba but its twin coil and can be a bit of a pig to learn to wick
tbh they have cut back on the rba because it was costing them to much but i might stand corrected
if you can just go for a rebuildable tank and prob from china so you can get a decent amount of liquid in it
there are a lot out there to play with but i like the griffin for dual coil and the bachelor for single coils

do not get the mutation x as its an absolute pig to wick that seems best fixed with a big hammer lol
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