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US vs UK


Feb 5, 2014
So what are your thoughts on European juice versus American juices? Several years back my partner at the time went to London without me :( but amongst other things, brought me some English stinkies , Marlboro reds, same as i used to smoke, but they tasted...different, couldn't quite place it...now i wonder if juices are different..I've only ever had American made juice as none of my local shops stock imports and i have no means to pay international shipping nor enough math skills to figure the conversion from dollars to pounds...so any of you lads or lasses who have tried both care to weigh in on which nation has better juice?

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When it comes to converting your bucks to UK Pounds, just Google 'currency converter' and bobs your uncle. The last time I looked, I think it was somewhere in the region of 1.6 USD to 1 GBP. As for the juice, I suppose the answer is that (obviously) there are some excellent juices to be found in both countries. Along with countless others, i've been through gallons of the stuff and now find myself using more US sourced juice than I do UK juice. I've found that the US juice gurus seem to have more imagination when it comes to naming, branding and most importantly of all, flavour. Don't get me wrong, as I said, there are some UK vendors such as Mrs Lords and VapingKing for example who do all three excellently and from the reviews i've read, Kraken/Plumeblu are making decent looking juices (although i've yet to sample either), GVC is hugely popular everywhere so both there's success both sides of the pond, but for me, right now, American juicemakers are ahead in the field, purely because looking at my juice, its predominantly from US makers.

Usual disclaimer about taste being subjective and all that.
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As a DIYer I can only really fairly comment on the flavours side of things (or should that be flavors!). In my mixing box I have more American flavours (Capella and mom & pops are my go to flavour houses, and I'm looking forward to the oneonone delivery), but the one uk flavour maker I use is tjuice and I LOVE their stuff. There is definately many more good American flavours out there but the uk go for quality not quantity, lol! I wish there were more uk flavours but off the too of my head (first thing in an Sunday morning) I can't think of any :(
Personally, I much prefer the way American juice is made - they seem more flavoursome to me. Most of my favourite juices come from California - they can be expensive, but it's worth it to me :)
I'm pretty sure American tabacco is roasted, where as UK tabacco is not.

I would say if we both used the same flavour concentrate with PG/VG from our own soil, to the same recipe, it would taste identical IMO
I'm a big fan of the Roar vapour range which is American and imported as far as I know, most other UK juices are just as good imo, however I have had some (even from popular vendors) that taste like crap, I had a batternburg cake flavour from one popular vendor but even after much steeping and sampling it just tasted what I imagine an almond urinal cake would taste like, really chemically.

Snake oil and krakens kingslayer are fantastic uk made juices.
I'm a big fan of the Roar vapour range which is American and imported as far as I know, most other UK juices are just as good imo, however I have had some (even from popular vendors) that taste like crap, I had a batternburg cake flavour from one popular vendor but even after much steeping and sampling it just tasted what I imagine an almond urinal cake would taste like, really chemically.

Snake oil and krakens kingslayer are fantastic uk made juices.

Ive only tried he Banana Cream pie from Roar. Which others do you recommend?
Also is there anywhere else to buy these except LF?
DCR3005 Well I've tried (as well as BCP) Vanilla, Butterscotch, Truth Serum, Dawn of Truth, Razmataz, Blood & Ink, Antidote and Cinnamon Strapple.

Vanilla wasn't anything special, quite a dry vape.

Butterscotch is fantastic, quite a bit of throat hit from this one and when you mix it 50/50 with Kraken E Cigs Kingslayer, it's absolutely LUSH. When I've got them both mixed it's my ADV over Banana Cream Pie.

Truth Serum was pears and cream but it had a bit of a leathery taste on it's own, to me. Went through one bottle on it's own but now I buy it to mentholate with Krakens Crystal Menth, they go together very well! It's what juice I take when I'm out drinking, keeps me from wanting a cig when I'm drunk!

Dawn of truth is like truth serum mixed with coconut and banana, very very nice but not an ADV as it's quite overpowering.

Razmataz is mint and raspberry, the raspberry was real nice but the mint was a bit bitter for me, I prefer a menthol sort of kick over a minty kick, it is nice though it's my colleagues personal ADV.

Blood & Ink was very very tasty, it tasts like those sweets you used to get from the corner shop, raspberrys and blackcurrants covered in tiny little balls. Been meaning to buy more for a while as it was definitely another I wanted to keep in my arsenal lol.

Cinnamon Strapple, well i thought it would taste like apple and cinnamon pie, but it tasted more just like a baking apple with a hint of cinnamon on it, I love cinnamon and apple pie but I wasn't a big fan of this one which was dissapointing :/

I'm also not aware of any other place that sells Roar liquids either, the good thing about LF though is they give you 9p off for every e liquid you review, and then combined with the POTV discount code it's not that expensive over other places once you become a regular customer, however I've recently started DIY'ing so I've only been buying butterscotch and banana cream pie from LF lately lol

Hope that was of some help mate :)
In my limited experience, with pre-made juices, US may have it on sweets, UK for tobaccos (House Of Liquids El Toro/Cellar ranges (Albeit via Greek know-how); & Manabush's Pow-Wow Sauce).

For concentrates, Inawera (Polish), are my overall faves, but you have Mom & Pops and Capella, they're both US I think, and good quality.
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