Thanks for the tip and yeah there is probably too many air holes. It's good to have choice and play around with though.
Got a recommendation of a Dripper that I can check out? Can be a clone also.
Depends if you want flavour or clouds or both. The Veritas is good, pretty much leak free and very good for flavour but its not a cloud chasing dripper.
Derringer is supposed to be good for both but is very compact.
Mini Freakshow has good reviews but it can be leaky if you don't fill it right. Its an original you can pick up for £20.
Troll RDA: Original not a clone, about £15.
Magma is good for flavour but I find there isn't enough airflow for my liking. Buy an Infinite or SXK clone.
Quasar was great for flavour but very small drip well.
Tobh is old, good but mainly dual coil unless you tape over one of the sides with the air holes.
Mutation X V3 seems popular and is an authentic atty. Also an original in the £20-25 region.
Samurai is very good for clouds and has fairly decent flavour. Once again bottom air holes prone to leaking.
Marquis is like a Magma for flavour but with better air flow. I'm still getting to grips with mine.
Currently I'm favouring the Aeolus RDA which I think is very good for flavour and vapour production.