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Vape Tips: How to stop your tanks from leaking?


Aug 30, 2016
Have you ever had a leaking experience?

No matter new vapors or OG vapors, you must have come across some leaking issue.

If so, you’re not alone…

It’s not like it really does much harm.

After all, you can just clean it up and get on with your day.

But it’s still one of those annoyances that seems to amplify the longer it’s there, like the constant patter of a dripping tap.

Thankfully, for most tanks, you can fix (or at least reduce) problems with leaking pretty easily, so here are some tips for staying leak-free!

Probal cause:

1. Refilling the juice in improper way.

2. Orings, refilling pad glass, and cotton is not in good condition.


3. Vaping setting is improper.

4.Coil issue.

5. Sitting for a long time after refilling.


Before vaping

1. Make sure rings, seal and glass are all good and everything is tight. Use the juice to lubricate o rings during installation.

2. When you use RBA coil, make sure you stuff the cotton in there really good.

3. You can also take it all apart and screwed the coil into the base nice and then screwed the top bit on making sure it's all tight and make sure the seals are perfect

when you do the Filling:

4. Make sure coil bottom capes are clamped all the way down and make sure air holes are closed when refilling.

5. Make sure the atomizer has been cooled down while you refill the tank because the liquid flows faster when the atomizer is hot.

6. Please finish the refilling as soon as possible.

While Vaping:

7. Please try to vape at an appropriately high wattage which is recommended on the coil during vaping. It may encounter the leaking issue if the liquid on the coil hasn't been atomized on time with low wattage.

8. Besides, please close all the air holes when you do not use it.

9. What's more, Use appropriate juice viscosity.

For coil heads that require a lot of power (like the TFV8 and other TF series of tanks from SMOK), anything lower than 70% VG stands a good chance of leaking due to the thinness of PG and how massive the juice ports are in these kinds of tanks. Understanding the differences between PGand VG are paramount. The viscosity that should be used is often recommended in the instruction manual. A good rule of thumb is, the big-cloud-chucking devices do well with 70% VG (only 30% PG) and above, and MTL devices are generally good up to 70% VG. Make sure to always look at your e-juice label to determine your PG/VG ratio.


10. Keep a lid on it

Due to the pressurized nature of tanks, if you leave a tank without the top cap, it will leak out of the airflow holes. Maybe you were multi-tasking and got distracted. Whatever the cause, make sure that if you leave your top cap off for extended periods of time, anything longer than it takes to fill it, the tank is empty. Closing the airflow off will work too, but it’s not as foolproof as keeping the tank empty if the top cap is off.
Those + the main cause, which is: the cotton/ coil becoming oversaturated.

The cotton is like a sponge, if it gets overly wet it leaks liquid.
Treat it on that level and you'll learn to avoid the problem.
I do love a saturated wick and I'm not sure that a wick will, in normal operation, become oversaturated. Leaking, like dry hitting, is down to user error in wicking.

Points I would pick up on:-
It's not like it really does much harm. After all, you can just clean it up and get on with your day.
Juice leaking onto your mod must be cleaned up instantly because if it gets inside the mod it can play havoc with the internals - from sticking fire buttons in mild cases to killing the internals if persistent. Leaking should absolutely be avoided at all times.

2. When you use RBA coil, make sure you stuff the cotton in there really good.
Too much wick will cause dry hitting.

8. Besides, please close all the air holes when you do not use it.
This is nonsense. The evaporation chamber is open to atmospheric pressure through the chimney. Closing the air holes has no secure effect - it's like closing all the windows in a room but leaving the door wide open.

Due to the pressurized nature of tanks, if you leave a tank without the top cap, it will leak out of the airflow holes. Maybe you were multi-tasking and got distracted. Whatever the cause, make sure that if you leave your top cap off for extended periods of time, anything longer than it takes to fill it, the tank is empty. Closing the airflow off will work too, but it’s not as foolproof as keeping the tank empty if the top cap is off.
As above, closing off the airflow holes will have no benefit. If you leave the top cap off the tank of juice will have no vacuum effect to counteract the force of gravity. Closing the air holes will not prevent flooding, it will only delay the release of the juice to the point where you open the air holes - then it will flood out.
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