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Vaper News


Jul 11, 2012
Taken From Viva Vaping Ezine - Vaper News is an Excellent Links site with RSS feeds to Vaping Blogs and Sites - well worth a lookie

Vaper News.jpg

My Name is Dave Malins, I’m a web developer and
I’ve been a vaper since 2009. After smoking for 18 years I was beginning to
feel the effects of the old analog’s on my lungs. Every morning I woke up
feeling terrible and coughing up stuff I never want to think about again.
Thankfully in 2009 I came across Ecigs when a mate had one in the pub. It just
looked like a fag, with a red light at the end when you had a puff. I went
straight back home and bought my first disposable online.

Truth is I didn’t really get on with the early
disposables. Battery ran out all the time, and
the vape wasn’t satisfying, so I was still mixing between the analog & the
electronic. That’s when I found out about the SD on Ebay. When I bought that I
never looked back. What a difference it was to be able to get a proper
satisfying vape, and a loooong battery life. Was well impressed, and still have
my trusty SD to this day. More recently I managed to save up for a ProVari. I
was reluctant at first to buy it because of the price, but to be honest I’ve
never had it out my hand since it was delivered, so I can justify it to myself
that way

The things is when I was a newbie vaper back
in 2009 the info about ecigs was all over the place. There are great forums out
there, and I’m a member of most of the better ones like UKV & ECF, and
there are great blogs too, but they are still mostly hidden away. So I built www.vapernews.com to try and help me catalogue all the best
resources for info about vaping that I could. Vaper News allows you to see all
of the blogs, videos and tweets in one place – you can also see very quickly
who has posted new material.

The search function also allows you to get to
information very quickly. Say you are looking for a review about a certain
E-Liquid, type it in to the search box and it’ll usually get multiple results
from the database. The video section is quite neat because you can get access
to the video’s on the page just by clicking on the play button.

The ethos behind Vaper News is to be able to
find out what you need about Ecigs & Vaping quickly. I was tired of
searching on the search engines which would always bring up commercial or
spammy stuff. To have a site that is dedicated to Vaping resources helps me
keep up to date with what’s happening today.

My plans for the future of Vaper News are to
continue to catalogue all the resources available, plus add lists of forums to
the mix. As we all know, forums are undoubtedly one of the best ways to get
information, ask questions, and join in the fun of a community. There are lots
of Ecig related forums out there, so hopefully I can get a great list for us
all to choose from.



Read more: http://thevaperslounge.proboards.com/thread/210/vaper-news#ixzz2X7RhhNkG
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