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Vaping Bogan moving to the UK

Hate to say it, but my plans for seeking vaping-asylum in the UK were rather prosaic :18:

Whatever happened to hostile environment?!?Soon you’ll be up to your knees in tanned, silly, overly optimistic blondes, vaping away and wondering loudly why the beer is warm and the sun is but a memory :18:


Our beer isn't warm..........it's just the right temperature for cleaning toilets.
The vaping laws in Australia are just ridiculous and out of hand now. Absolutely outrageous, in fact. I thought ours were bad enough but this just takes the biscuit.

The tobacco lobby has a lot to answer for, and so does the Aussie government for giving into them.

I welcome Sam to the the UK but it really shouldn't be necessary for him to relocate.

May the tide turn soon for all those unable to do the same and deepest blessings to you all.
He better start eating some porridge....the first cunt he calls a dickhead (maybe it's a term of endearment in the land down under) in Jaywick will have him:D
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