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Vaping mod and rebuildable question


Jul 28, 2013
I need some advice I have an mvp which I'm selling to someone in work. But I want to get into rebuilding my own coils with cotton wool I have e-mailed the venders few times and very helpfull he has suggested I go with the vanilla mod by smok-e mountain and a kayfun light plus rebuildable tank. I have been given the advice on which baterrys to
buy the protected ones charger and an Oms reader with the Oms reader am I right saying I'm looking around 1.5 to 2.0 Oms build between this will it be safe. Also about battery's is it ok to let your battery's completely drain like I do on the mvp or is it better to keep them at a certain level ?? Some advice help please. I also need help on making a coil on the kayfun light plus.


kevin. Keep on vaping
I need some advice I have an mvp which I'm selling to someone in work. But I want to get into rebuilding my own coils with cotton wool I have e-mailed the venders few times and very helpfull he has suggested I go with the vanilla mod by smok-e mountain and a kayfun light plus rebuildable tank. I have been given the advice on which baterrys to
buy the protected ones charger and an Oms reader with the Oms reader am I right saying I'm looking around 1.5 to 2.0 Oms build between this will it be safe. Also about battery's is it ok to let your battery's completely drain like I do on the mvp or is it better to keep them at a certain level ?? Some advice help please. I also need help on making a coil on the kayfun light plus.


kevin. Keep on vaping

For batteries if go for Sony vtc4's or Vtc5's.

Charger I'd go for a nitecore or Luc

A good starting kanthal for micro coils is probably 0.30mm or 0.32mm
Aim for around 1-1.5ohms I'd say (kayfun owners my correct me on this)

Ohms tester, try to get one that does 2 decimal places maybe.

Can't say much about the mod, never owned one but there are probably plenty of reviews on you tube.
You are safer and better off charging your batteries before they drain completely.
For batteries if go for Sony vtc4's or Vtc5's.

Well worth the extra couple of quid.

A good starting kanthal for micro coils is probably 0.30mm or 0.32mm
Aim for around 1-1.5ohms I'd say (kayfun owners my correct me on this)
Yeah, don't go too much thicker (less resistance) than this. 0.25mm is also good but it's a bit more tricky to coil with as it starts to get really thin and difficult to work with. It's absolutely ideal once you had a bit of practice but for a coiling newbie it can be pretty frustrating to learn on. I learned this the hard way.
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