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Vaping NOOB

Nasty Boy

Sep 14, 2013
Hello all.

Just started this vaping malarkey on Thursday night after buy a kit form a local shop and and I have to say I am enjoying it a lot. Still having the odd roll up now and then but it tends to be about one a day at the moment compaired to the 20 plus I was having
welcome to the forum. I had a rolly the other day and I soon put it out. I don't think I can go back to them now. Any way enjoy you stay here.
thank you for the welcomes, +1 for vaping is great, I did just have a roll up and well the taste was borderline rank. Back to my apple flavour I go! also I have to say this vaping is a minefield so much to chose form and so much to learn. And some of the pics I have seen have made my set up look a bit pony lol
Hey, welcome and well done you! I am an ex rollie smoker too. Vaping only for about 3 weeks now with absolutely no urge to smoke tobacco. Loving the vast array of flavours you van get these days. I had no idea!

What kit have you got?
Hey, welcome and well done you! I am an ex rollie smoker too. Vaping only for about 3 weeks now with absolutely no urge to smoke tobacco. Loving the vast array of flavours you van get these days. I had no idea!

What kit have you got?

I think I have the ego 1100 batt and using the CE4's or C4E's or what ever those bits are called lol. I have only got 4 flavours at the moment apple, cherry, red bull, and cappuccino. but I am looking forward to trying a lot more
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