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Vaping terminology

Andy S

Aug 2, 2018
Thought it might be useful for new vapers to be able to familiarise themselves with some of the lingo, as sometimes threads can get a bit confused when someone's talking about a Wotsit when what they really mean is a Thingy.

Mod: Device that supplies electricity to the atty. Might have a built-in battery, might have removable batteries. Regulated mods transform electrical power from the battery to maintain a constant output. A mechanical mod or "mech" just delivers battery power directly.
Atty: Atomiser. The aparatus that turns e-liquid into vapour.
Tank: Cylinder which can be filled with e-liquid, also contains the atty.
Coil: Heating element, most commonly a wire helix, can also refer to a piece of metal mesh which serves the same purpose.
Wick: Absorbent material, usually cotton, which carries e-liquid to the coil.
RBA: Rebuildable atomiser. An atty which can accomodate a variety of custom or home-made coils.
Deck: The part of a rebuildable atomiser onto which you fit the coil(s).
RTA: Rebuildable Tank Atomiser. An RBA which goes in a tank.
RDA: Rebuildable Dripping Atomiser aka Dripper. No tank, just a deck in a barrel, user drips e-liquid directly onto the coil. Capacity depends on how much wicking material is used.
Squonk. A style of RBA similar to a dripper where the wick is 'fed' from below via a hole in the 510 pin. Requires a mod specifically designed for the purpose.
510 connection: Threaded pin and socket arrangement for connecting the atty to the mod. Pin is on the atty, socket is on the mod.
Ohm: Unit of electrical resistance. Generally, the less resistance a coil has the more power you can put through it.
Watt: Unit of power.
VG & PG. The two main ingredients of e-liquid. Vegetable Glycerine makes most of the vapour, Propyl Glycol carries most of the flavour. Generally, higher power requires a higher proportion of VG.
CDR: Continuous Discharge Rating. The maximum current that can safely be drawn from a battery. [Important Note: "Pulse" ratings on batteries have no bearing on vaping and should be ignored]
mAh: MilliAmp Hours. The battery's capacity. The mAh is how much energy is in the battery and the CDR is how fast you can take it out.
Squonk is a general name not a atty, RSA is a squonk dripper, RSTA is a squonk compatible RDTA which is something else missing off your list also no mention of 510 or 810 drip tips
Thought it might be useful for new vapers to be able to familiarise themselves with some of the lingo, as sometimes threads can get a bit confused when someone's talking about a Wotsit when what they really mean is a Thingy.

Mod: Device that supplies electricity to the atty. Might have a built-in battery, might have removable batteries. Regulated mods transform electrical power from the battery to maintain a constant output. A mechanical mod or "mech" just delivers battery power directly.
Atty: Atomiser. The aparatus that turns e-liquid into vapour.
Tank: Cylinder which can be filled with e-liquid, also contains the atty.
Coil: Heating element, most commonly a wire helix, can also refer to a piece of metal mesh which serves the same purpose.
Wick: Absorbent material, usually cotton, which carries e-liquid to the coil.
RBA: Rebuildable atomiser. An atty which can accomodate a variety of custom or home-made coils.
Deck: The part of a rebuildable atomiser onto which you fit the coil(s).
RTA: Rebuildable Tank Atomiser. An RBA which goes in a tank.
RDA: Rebuildable Dripping Atomiser aka Dripper. No tank, just a deck in a barrel, user drips e-liquid directly onto the coil. Capacity depends on how much wicking material is used.
Squonk. A style of RBA similar to a dripper where the wick is 'fed' from below via a hole in the 510 pin. Requires a mod specifically designed for the purpose.
510 connection: Threaded pin and socket arrangement for connecting the atty to the mod. Pin is on the atty, socket is on the mod.
Ohm: Unit of electrical resistance. Generally, the less resistance a coil has the more power you can put through it.
Watt: Unit of power.
VG & PG. The two main ingredients of e-liquid. Vegetable Glycerine makes most of the vapour, Propyl Glycol carries most of the flavour. Generally, higher power requires a higher proportion of VG.
CDR: Continuous Discharge Rating. The maximum current that can safely be drawn from a battery. [Important Note: "Pulse" ratings on batteries have no bearing on vaping and should be ignored]
mAh: MilliAmp Hours. The battery's capacity. The mAh is how much energy is in the battery and the CDR is how fast you can take it out.

Squonk is a general name not a atty, RSA is a squonk dripper, RSTA is a squonk compatible RDTA which is something else missing off your list also no mention of 510 or 810 drip tips

Thanks to both of you
The initials always get me!! Keeping this one in my email for future refrence!!

Edit: Yeah I thought a squonk was a type of mod too myself. One that is fed thou thru the bottom yes. By the attachment of a 30 ml bottle of liquid. The mod itself has to be a squonk mod. Yes?
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Edit: Yeah I thought a squonk was a type of mod too myself. One that is fed thou thru the bottom yes. By the attachment of a 30 ml bottle of liquid. The mod itself has to be a squonk mod. Yes?

Yes, squonking atty and squonking mod, a common abbreviation is BF (bottom fed), i.e a BF RDA and BF mod.

Clear as mud, eh? :)
B&M is not the high street chain but a bricks and mortar vaping shop that you can visit :)
Clearomisers, makes me think of those old fashioned perfume sprayers with the rubber bulb.
APV, I think of roadside explosive devices.
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