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I´m not afiliated with @Vaporesso or POTV; this review was made just for my own entertainment, its solely my own opinion, and theres is not any interest of any kind behind it.
What can I say thats not already told about this PM40? Maybe nothing, but I´ll do my own way, using my own words and from the perspective of what I am, a DTL vaper
I was lucky (again
Lets get started!!
<<< INTRO >>>
2020 has been the year of the Pod/mods/AIO/multi-kits.
For me, the real race started with Vaporesso announcing their Target PM80 late 2019.
The PM80 was, if I´m not wrong, the first vape device using GTX coils. Vaporesso was also one of the first manufacturers using that coilhead format (now there are many on the same boat).
We have seen traditional "POD" changing and evolving for the last 2 years. Nowadays users can choose among many pod options, from the classic MTL focused -Caliburn style- to more polyvalent devices able to offer different vape experiences due to the addition of more advanced vape features like airflow control, big pod eliquid capacity and even the hability of using different replaceable coilheads.
The Luxe PM40 is one of those evolved pods. In the other side of the road, you can find the Xros which is another nice pod but designed to be a more classic pod.
Vaporesso classified this pod inside their "LUXE" product branch, but, how much luxe it has? deserves to be within the LUXE family?
Lets find out.
As usual, Vaporesso delivered this pod inside a nice and carefully detailed packaging:
Lets pick it. The first thing I reallized was: its a substantial pod, not heavy (around 80g), but you feel it in the hand.
Shape is ergonomic and allows you to handle as you want, theres not specific way to hold it.
Soft contours, perfectly aligned panels and display, inmaculate paintjob and 100% clean.
It really reminds me the quality of my Luxe mod.
+2 Luxe points
Carbon fiber panels are subtle and needs some lighting to show up its weft. It looks plain black most of the time. Of course its not real carbon fiber but mimics it very well.
The mouthpiece looks comfortable because it is comfortable
The fire button is OK (a bit in the hard to click side), you find it easely and its perfectly placed, whatever the way to hold the pod you will be able to find and click it without covering the airflow slots. Smart design.
Its not too big, I was expecting something bigger due to the 1800mAh battery, but its not too fat. Here, a picture with some familiar for reference:
Love to have one of those great Vaporesso USB cables, it is simply perfect. More on that later.
Papers: warranty, user manual (short and clever), etc.
Enough, lets vape it
<<< VAPING IT >>>
As Im an airflow hog, I went straight for the 0.6 GTX. Coilhead that I know well because I also use it in my PM80. Prime, let it soak for a few minutes and ready to go.
Lets inspect some common features first.
- Refilling:
This is our first removable top cap pod at home. Its waaaaaay more convenient compared to the regular refilling procedure: take off the pod, open the silicon artifact, fill, wait for the pod to take a breath, fill, -repeat-, clean the liquid mesh, close, clean the remanent mesh, drop the pod back in its place.
Open the top cap -> refill -> put back the cap on the pod. No need to remove the pod.
+2 Luxe points
- Airflow control check:
"So this thing comes with an AFC?" Yes it does. And it kinda works.
Wide open, I feel an RDL in the tight side. A bit noisy by the way. Im used to tanks in which you can breath thru them if you want, so I find it quite restrictive... a bit less than a GT CCELL coilhead for comparison.
It decreases to a point I would consider MTL. "Too loose" many say, but I think its perfectly MTL-able.
With the airflow fully closed off, theres no perfect seal; So you can still get a puff due to the air leakage. At this point, I would compare the airflow with a regular MTL tank 1.5/2mm opening.
Lets face it, the drip or mouthpiece its not ideal for a proper MTL. You can MTL it, but you will feel that lack of vacuum.
To operate the AFC you´ll need some nails or a little tool to help it slide into the desired position. But its good the AFC lever do not protrude much.
1800mAh delivers some nice power and lasts for a while.
Even using the 0.6 at the suggested 27w, it makes a whole day and a bit more with no problem.
The whole device tends to heat up a bit if you chainvape a lot... but nothing worrisome, it doesnt even activate the overheat protection.
It fully charges in around 50 minutes using a >2A USB fast charger. And here is where the USB cable matters:
Not all USB cables are the same, there are good, mediocre and terrible cables.
Vaporesso USB cables are top. Really. If you want to use the 2A fastcharge feature, make sure you use their provided USB cable. Otherwise you will wait a bit more. But its not just about waiting but safety. Remember this tip
Oh, the display shows battery life in %. What does it cost?! Love it.
-Chipset and display:
Having a good chipset under the hood and keep things simple its possible.
Display layout and operation cant be more simple. Usual 5 clicks to turn on/off device and 3 to select watts. AND THATS ALL.
The Axon chipset may look underused, but remember that all the protecctions, Smart features, and power delivery are still inside and working.
+2 Luxe points
Talking about power delivery, its does a nice job. You cant perceive any perfomance drop until you are at 10% battery, here you will feel it slightly less powerful.
-Coilheads (finally!):
As I said before, I know each and every GTX coil except the 1.2 mesh. That one is elusive
A) GTX 0.60 = With airflow fully open its a RDL beast. My favourite out of the 3 possible. Flavour resolution and vapour production is out of this world. 24w FTW, good balance and compromise for coil longevity.
B) GTX 0.80 = perfect for loose MTL; as its still mesh, it will last for a good while and the flavour is on point. 15w FTW. Vape is a bit mild compared to the 0.6 IMO.
C) GTX 1.20 (regular) = my choice if I need a good nic punch and more aggresive throat hit. Its obviously poor in vapour production but the flavour is not bad at all. 10.5w FTW.
D) ?¿?¿ GTX 0.30 = not tested yet, I dont even know if chipset will allow to use it on this device. Its a bit no-brainer tho.
Overall, I find it a pleasant quality vape. Its really ease to find the sweet spot and just vape and vape... each puff equal to the last.
Depending on the coil you install, this thing is able to deliver very different vapes and thats a huge pro: being able to choose, depending on what you feel like.
Im used to this feeling when I vape in the PM80, but the AFC gives a bit more play room.
GTX coils are awesome (+2 Luxe points!!
As you know their main challengers and brothers are the PnP and the Manik (and some others not relevant).
Its not a surprise seeing other manufacturers using this coilhead format because it is, for stock coilhead standards, outstanding. These little mother chuckers can perform like others double sized, and flavour resolution is on par with many decent RBAs IMHO.
I like it.
I cant blame Vaporesso of creating it, because its very nice.
-"There are a million of pods out there already!!, its enough"-
Yeah, maybe. But you can buy them or skip them. And if you are loyal or feel affinity with a brand, you usually sitck to it because they never let you down.
Vaporesso have many friends and sympathizers, and you dont achive something like that creating bad vapes. You cant lie to many people or for too long.
Is this a true "LUXE" family member?:
In my opinion, it is. It deserve to have the "Luxe" noun.
Forget about its looking, forget about anything that makes you complain about it and make yourself this question:
-HOW DOES IT VAPE? I bet we will share the same answer: It vapes very nice!
And for me, a nice vape is another form of luxe.
- Compact, stylish, ergonomic, good looking
- Takes 4 different coilheads (cross compatible with others!)
- Refilling procedure is simple, convenient and clean
- Axon chip works!
- Battery
- My wife like it. Finally! I found another vape she likes
- Smart mode could remember the custom power setting if the same pod is dettached/attached. It usually pick a good wattage setting automatically tho.
- Body/frame could be painted with some more attractive colours. That would be the definitive "Luxe" touch.
- Air leaks when AFC fully closed.
So, Im glad to have this piece @Vaporesso created as a "next-gen-pod?" with some nice twists
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