I always feel that when a vendor seem to go a little out of their way on service credit is due. So from myself to Vapour Room a very big thank you. The power head on the SVD I had recently just stopped operating so I messaged them and got a good reply stating the options I had including full refund. I stated to them that no I like the SVD and just want a working one again. Looking on their website their SVD's were out of stock, but thanks to my backup vamo I thought I will wait. I sent them the power head in the post expecting to maybe have to wait a week or so for new stock to arrive. Two days later I get vapemail and what do ya know vapour room and a powerhead, as it seemed they were still out of stock of kits it just looks to me like someone has gone a bit out of their way to get me a replacement head for me. Again a big thank you from me to vapour room.