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Thank you @Kershybar !!

I've put in my order this morning, American Cheesecake, Jellyfish, Strawberry Milkshake, Blueberry Bubblegum, Citrus Ice, Heisenblag & Skittles

Vanilla Custard is suburb by the way, vaped my way through about 20mls of it yesterday & really enjoyed it. That was after a 2 month steep, without any shaking & the one airing purely because I'd forgotten about it :D

I do agree with @daesimps, I don't mind the drop downs but being split over two lists can be a bit of a pain to find what you're looking for. For flavour profiles you can ask on FB, on here or my favorite, take a punt :D

@krang I've not forgotton about the Dragon's Blood mate, I'll get around to it I promise
@daesimps thats something I'm working on. I'm kinda new at VRU and getting everything techwise updated. Automated emails, codes etc, templates, layouts etc.

Whoever set the website up didn't know how to keep the listings simple!

Also, I'll chase up my coworker who is writing up the flavour list and see how she's doing with it, I'll keep you updated. :)
Thanks @Kershybar. Glad you took the comments as intended and not a dig.

@johnnyace says you can ask on here, take a punt or ask on Facebook. That's exactly my point; you shouldn't have to and it also means moving away from the site mid order. You wouldn't pick something off a shelf in a supermarket that just said "food" on it, nor would you go about researching it - you'd just walk away.

A number of times it's been the difference between giving you guys money and walking away, so I'm glad you're working on it. Great to see people responding to customer feedback.
Ditto thank you very much Kershybar for the late night work that was put in!

Are any promo codes needed for today or is it all automated?
Are any promo codes needed for today or is it all automated?

It's automated pal, make up your order then when you get to checkout it knocks the 20% off for you :2thumbsup:

I see what you're saying @daesimps, I like to do a bit of homework before each order but it is potentially offputting. It's great too see they're working on profile details
We open again on Wednesday! Orders will be sent out then. :) Open Wednesday - Saturday, off for new years and back to normal on the 3rd!
Also had to disable all of our Promo codes, as soon as it went live somebody tried to get 20% from the Basket discount and a 20% discount code at the same time, sneaky people!

Also, if anybody else has any suggestions, throw them my way. If they're within reason (As the previous ones have been) I'll get right onto it. The single listings should be live by the end of the day, if all goes well.
Sweet boxing day discount. Grabbed 50ml of Black Stars and Heisenblag probably my two favs from VRU.
Hey @krang incase you're still interested, I've just given Dragon Blood a try, it's an a Limitless Plus which isn't the most flavorsome tank but it should give you a good idea. Now, I've never tried Dragon Fruit nor Dragon Blood but it's a light & fruity refreshing vape, kinda peachy & coconutty, I'm not the best at calling out flavours but that's the best I can do :D I like it. it's decent

How would you the flavour of black stars mate?

It's a blackcurrant, aniseed menthol type vape, I mix it at 15% & it blows my head off in a Griffin so I downgrade it in the Limitless. You could probably get away with mixing it at 10%, It's really strong & really nice. I love it along with Black Ice which is awesome MTL
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