Thanks for posting that Fay. I was very impressed with Mr Cropper.
We all owe a great deal to Totally Wicked for standing up and contesting article 20. They deserve our full support.
Don't know why it fell to them, why other companies did not assist and support or why a vaping industry body didn't stand up to represent us. Perhaps there is no such thing.
Having got as far as they have, and bearing in mind that there is now a waiting period, perhaps now is the time for other vaping companies and bodies, and for the vaping community to show support? There is no good reason that I can think of that TW should carry the baton alone.
There are 1.5-2.1 million vapers in the UK. Supposedly 17,000 members of POTV, only a very small minority participate which leaves a huge number of silent vapers who should all be supporting the cause. 22,000 members on UKvapers (yes, I am sure there's an overlap) ... there are 18,000 ACTIVE members of the 225,000 registered on e-cigarette-forum. Each forum has an extensive list of suppliers who support and sponsor them. Even the most USA-centric mindset must see the value of defeating the TPD in Europe.
I don't expect to support TW as a consumer, but I'd like to support their solo stance against article 20.