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Various 12mg juice


Dec 10, 2014
Various 12mg nic juice to sell, hopefully in a job lot.

Jax Tobacco custard 75/25 95ml rrp £25 (full)
Jax Waffle custard 75/25 50ml rrp£25 (full)
Jax Fudge Custard 15ml (30ml) £15 full
Jax salted Caramel 12ml (30ml)
£15 full
Molejuice Moles Dream 70/30 45ml
Molejuice custard Vanilla Donuts 40ml
Good-Ejuice fruit loops 70/30 27ml (£6 full 30)
Good Ejuice Unicorn milk 25ml

Obviously this is difficult to gague total juice in a bottle but I've done my best.
I'd rather sell as a whole lot, for cheaper postage.
Haven't put an exact rrp for molejuice as they are down and can't check.
That's over 300ml of at least 70/30 juice 12mg all just a few weeks/months old so steeped.

Would like £ 30 PayPal Royal Mail.&3quid postage
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ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1455397427.071179.jpg
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1455397436.689427.jpg

That's the same
Price as One Pound Liquid.
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I'll run this for 12 hours then either keep it or give it away
Bugger, I'm in a right old bind here, otherwise I'd have done that for you Sah. ;)
Good Luck with the Sale.
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