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Very burnt taste with the kamry kick 2 at 5volts!


Feb 24, 2014
Hi everyone,
Just got the kamry kick 2 protection chip+ variable voltage chip.
Put it into my kamry k100 mod with a Vivi nova tank on top. At first it was working great
with large vapor and great throat hit. But now for some reason all I am getting is a nasty
burnt taste, hit from my Vivi nova.

The only reason i bought the kamry kick 2 chip is to able to to use 5volts.
When i turn the voltage down to 3.6volts the taste is fine.

What could be causing this?

Thanks for your help in advance guys.
Well, you were heating your coil too much. What resistance is your coil ?

Thanks for your reply.

1.8ohm Coil Head, i tried my other atomisers and they all get the same burnt taste. I even tried it with the original cartomiser that came with the k100.
Basically you now have variable voltage right, now you have to find that sweet spot. It's not as simple as 'more voltage = more flavour' ,there are a number of factors involved. Wicking, how quick the liquid can travel through the wick. air flow, how much ? Coil resistance & your voltage.
You are noticing the difference because you added to your set up. The kick itself accounts for a further small voltage drop as well over you pre-kick set up.
Right okay I see, thanks. Is there a chance to blow your atomiser kicked up to 5volts? becuase I am geting the Aspire nautilus clearomizer tank tomorrow through the post, which is a dual coil bottom, 1.6ohm BDC installed but Adjustable Airflow Control - 4 airflow control settings and I want to try it at 5volts on that.
Just start at the bottom around 3.7v & have a toot, turn up the voltage a bit & see where that takes you, if it's all good & you want to go a bit higher, turn it up a bit more. Once it starts to taste a bit wrong or burnt just back it off again.
I actually use my mechanical mod without a kick & my only vv device i use for coil reading. You just need to get the voltage right for your coil which is wherever it tastes & vapes best.
Ok great! thank you so much for your useful advise Vaporsizer, appreciate it:) cant wait to try out the aspire nautilus tomorrow.
Cool, no worries. Don't be hell bent on using 5v for the sake of it, better to get a nice vape.
Hey Kocee, if I can give you my perspective on variable voltage. The points vaporsizer makes are very relevant, the main point is the cartomiser or atomiser on top of your mod will have a limit it can handle in terms of voltage and ultimately the power that is pushed through it. Wicking which is how the juice/eliquid travels to the coil is also a key factor. If the juice cannot travel along the wick fast enough to get the coil then at some point you will get a hot, flavourless taste or worse a burnt taste which is horrible. The best type of coil in my experience to work with variable voltage is a dual coil (I use a lot of SmokTech dual coil cartomisers when I am out and about) I find with these I can put a lot of power through the cartomiser as it is effectively having to heat two coils. The vapour and throat hit on these is the best in my opinion for a shelf bought coil and wick. To give you an idea, I am right now running 4.4volts through a 1.25Ohm dual coil - it's great!

I put the smoktech dual coils in a cartomiser tank (if you want me to send you some pictures just let me know)

But if you like the ViviNova type clearomizers check out the Innokin iClear 30 Dual Coil Clearomizer, just as a quick look here it is below :



If you use the right wick and coil set up you will love it, but with a single coil heating it at the levels you are even with a 1.8Ohm clearo, you will get a rancid taste. Bear with it and find the right set up and you will be a happy vaper!! :grin2:
Ok thank you for the more detailed info on variable voltages SMB:) thats sheed a bit more light on how these things work:) Well I will be trying the kick 2 on a Aspire Nautilus I believe that is a dual coil tank atomiser, which also has a adjustable air flow on the atomiser so I will tweek and vape and see which setup i like best.

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