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Very New Newbie


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Nov 18, 2013
Hello Everyone

Having spent the last 5 days trying to decide where to start, I’m very glad to have found this site! I have already read alot of the information on this site which has been very helpful and will continue to be so I am sure, but still unsure what to buy? Really all I want is for someone in the know to tell me 'buy this, it's great'. I currently smoke about 20ish a day of quite strong cigarettes, I like a good 'hit' and would like something that does the same without looking like a cigarette. I really don't want to buy something that puts me off straight away by buying wrong. I don't mind spending a little more for something that really suits me and will last assuming the 'vaping' bug kicks in lol! Thanks in advance, I’m ready to buy today should I be given the right advice. Look forward to hearing from all you knowledgeable people out there........
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Hi there and welcome to the planet!
to start with you might want to check this out:http://myepack.co.uk/kits/e-vod-kit.html
Good value and great kit!
As for liquids, the choice is yours on flavour, but i would start at 18mg nicotine strength.
Don't be afraid to ask any questions, plenty of people on here to help :)
Welcome to the Planet!!! Congrats on your Journey into Vaping All you need to do now is Emerge from the Dark Side so that I can actually read what you've Posted!!!:welcome1:
:welcome1: to POTV

Without going through the cig-a-like phase the best type would be something like this
http://myepack.co.uk/kits/evod-starter-kit-ss-808.html there are other colours if you look around the website.

Also you can look in the POTV marketplace for the huge variety of setups and ask questions :D

And you can look in the Discount codes for the various vendors that provide discounts for all thing vaping :D

As for the e-liquid I would recommend you start at 18mg as a 20 a day smoker and go from there :)

http://myepack.co.uk/kits/evod-starter-kit.html this is what i started with , great price easy to use and get to grips with and interchangeable with a lot of diff tanks,drippers and batteries x as for juice i started on 18mg and choose what u like the sound of x ( ps dont expect tabacco flavour to taste like a ciggy)
also 1 of the best bits of advice i was given is ....... dont give up the fags at first, if u want a ciggy try vapeing first if you still want a ciggy after say 10 mins or so then have 1 !!! i found myself vapping more and more and smoking less and less , there is no rules on how to swap x after 2 weeks i was ciggy free!!!!
Hi, welcome to the planet, can't add anything to the above as it's all sound advice, just don't expect it to be your last purchase, shinyitis is more addictive than nicotine :)

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