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VG steeping ?


Mar 9, 2016
I hope you guys can help me.

I mixed a 10ML flavoring in a 100%VG. So it's 10ML PG Flavor and 40ML VG 4.5MG nicotine. In the end I have 50ML ejuice for vape.

It has been steeping 2 weeks now. The problem is there's not so much taste.

I vape on a Subtank mini on 25W with a 0.5ohm coil.

Does VG juices need more steeping time ?
Hi so you have actually put in 20% flavour total in your 50ml. what flavour was it then first? as it depends on the maker, the type (fruits take less time steeping than say custards, creams, bakeries and tobaccos etc) and you say Vg 4.5mg can you be more specific please. eg; amount in ml of nic added and type (VG nic or PG nic) and was it 72mg nic ? Basically please specify the complete recipe and then i and or others can help. ATB.
Like above with regards to steeping times.
also how do you steep juices?

And can you maybe vape at higher wattage?
Yes I add 20% flavor into the VG base. The flavor is a Copsa Custard flavor.

Has been stepped for 2 weeks now.
Yes I add 20% flavor into the VG base. The flavor is a Copsa Custard flavor.

Has been stepped for 2 weeks now.
Hi, not familiar with"copsa custard" flavour, but generally custards require at least a months steep to mature and i usually allow 6 weeks at least when using capella v1 vanilla custard and use about 15% in a 70/30 vg / pg mix.
Hi, not familiar with"copsa custard" flavour, but generally custards require at least a months steep to mature and i usually allow 6 weeks at least when using capella v1 vanilla custard and use about 15% in a 70/30 vg / pg mix.
Ok thanks. So I guess since I use 100%VG I should wait at least 1 month.
Ok thanks. So I guess since I use 100%VG I should wait at least 1 month.
Hi, well it isn't 100% vg. unless of course your flavour is vg based and your nic is vg based ? if your flavour is pg based (which most are) then you will have a 80/20 vg pg mix (presuming your nic is vg based) if your nic is pg based then your mix would be roughly 73/27 vg pg at 4.5mg strength . As i said , if you post your complete recipe with the ml of each ingredient then it would make things clearer. Hope that helps and all the best to you.
just a quick question on the steeping front, with 100%VG mixes (VG based concentrates and nic) or in fact any mixes, what steeping methods are you guys using? @Donald Trump's fister @turtletom100 ....

sorry OP for hijacking the thread, was just curious

Personally I use just time in a dark cool cupboard and a shake daily, but I have heard of people using ultrasonic baths, heating juices (thins the vg and allows flavours to mix better supposedly) even heard of people putting into the washing machine and microwave.
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