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Vision EGO 2.0 V3 or CE5 or CE5 V3 or CE5 replacable. Is there a difference ???????

Paul K

Jan 26, 2013
As above. Is there any difference in the above, or are they all the same. I have been looking at different vendors sites and they all seem to refer to them differently. Please help
Well technically they are different hence the version names.. they are Clearomisers... I didnt like th first ones, but I like the CE5 and even the ce4s werent bad.

OOPS I meant the same I thought with all that damn CE'ing going on you were asking about all of the versions :P my bad!
I started with CE4's but then tried a re-buildable version referred to as the Vision Ego V3 re-buildable. This I like, so am looking to get a couple more. But I have seen then advertised as Ego C5, Ego 2.0 V3, Ego V3 CE5 and CE5 replaceable. I think they are all the same but just referred to differently by the different vendors, but I would just like to make sure.
I started with CE4's but then tried a re-buildable version referred to as the Vision Ego V3 re-buildable. This I like, so am looking to get a couple more. But I have seen then advertised as Ego C5, Ego 2.0 V3, Ego V3 CE5 and CE5 replaceable. I think they are all the same but just referred to differently by the different vendors, but I would just like to make sure.

Watching this with interest... I was trying to decide the same earlier!
The branding is ridiculous, its very confusing ?! The way I tell whether its rebuildable is the picture will show two metal bands at the bottom of the tank (one ridged, one flat) as opposed to just 1 on the non rebuildables.
General rule of thumb - always by the ones actually made by Vision and you will be getting a good product.

The problem is that some vendors describe genuine Visions as CE5s' - but not all CE5s are made by Vision, it is also used as a generic name for that type of device.

If it does not say it is made by Vision on the website, but just says CE5, then email the Vendor to ask.

Same goes for Novas.
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