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Vision Spinner problems!!


New Member
Feb 1, 2014
Just bought and started using the Vision Spinner 1300 battery, I've come to do my first charge and I was told when I bought it that I could use my ego usb battery charger, but when I connect the battery the light stays green on the charger implying that the battery is fully charged when it's not!?!? Can anyone shed any light on what I'm doing wrong??
Check the pin on your charger... might need to wiggle it out a little bit.

Also, who told you, you could use it with the charger you have all ready? While it SHOULDNT be an issue, just be aware that ego's should be charged with the charger they come with as the chargers CAN vary.

Please make sure to never leave your battery on unattended or overnight.
Never leave the charger plugged in overnight, I'm super keen on that one, I've just order a new charger so hopefully that will do the trick fingers crossed
As KMS said, check the pins, it may be something as simple as that. If your ego battery and spinner are both Vision or both have the same output, you should not have a problem using the same charger. If in doubt, check with your vendor who im sure will be happy to help
Cheers gents, I've looked up what charger I should be using and ordered a new one so hopefully that will solve the problem
Also, it's always better to charge from a wall socket, rather than a USB socket
I've always used the usb wall socket, much quicker than plugging it into my PC
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