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Voltages for Vaping and flavour


Oct 24, 2018
So I vape exclusively MTL and always seem to use the same or similar voltage range - 3.6v to 3.8v. With coils ranging from .8 ohm to 1.1 ohms I always aim for this area.

My question is should flavours always be similar or the same regardless of coil if you keep within the same or similar Voltage range?

So should a .7ohm coil taste the same as a 1.2 ohm coil if kept at 3.7 volts for example?

Sorry if this is a daft question but its been on my mind.

Ah forgot to say that the coil material doesn't change.
The wattage will change with the different res coils.
This is generally a major reason folk use wattage devices.
Saying you like a 20w or 80w vape makes some sense.
Saying you like a 3.7v vape only makes sense if you specify your coil res.
in theory nope they wont because your running it like a mech so the lower ohm coil should get hotter
tbh prob not that much as it combination of air flow ,coil surface and power that gives the end result
i tend to build in the same range but use 10 ish watts and dont notice much in a way of difference
in theory nope they wont because your running it like a mech so the lower ohm coil should get hotter
tbh prob not that much as it combination of air flow ,coil surface and power that gives the end result
i tend to build in the same range but use 10 ish watts and dont notice much in a way of difference

I only use mechs, so know how they work.
What I say is correct. The lower ohm coil gets hotter because the watts are higher.
If the res of your coils are similar your wattage will be similar.

At 4.2v (what I calculate with) a 2ohm coil uses 8.82 watts and a 1ohm coil uses twice that 17.64 watts a 0.5ohm coil 35.28w
I only use mechs, so know how they work.
What I say is correct. The lower ohm coil gets hotter because the watts are higher.
If the res of your coils are similar your wattage will be similar.

At 4.2v (what I calculate with) a 2ohm coil uses 8.82 watts and a 1ohm coil uses twice that 17.64 watts a 0.5ohm coil 35.28w

SO even though the voltages are the same; with different coils they will differ in heat and therefore create different flavours and vapour production essentially?
SO even though the voltages are the same; with different coils they will differ in heat and therefore create different flavours and vapour production essentially?

Pretty much. If all other aspects of the vape are the same (device, airflow, wicking etc)

If you are increasing the voltage on your higher res coils to get what you like then you may well be getting a similar vape because you are using a similar wattage, though other factors can play a role in changing the flavour.
Pretty much. If all other aspects of the vape are the same (device, airflow, wicking etc)

If you are increasing the voltage on your higher res coils to get what you like then you may well be getting a similar vape because you are using a similar wattage, though other factors can play a role in changing the flavour.

Thanks for that. I was just wondering as I've started to mess around a little more with my RTAs and RDAs and was noticing differences and having to turn the wattages down to get the same flavours. Makes sense now but thought id check as im still very new to all this.

Change almost anything with the vape device can change the flavour.
Get your rda and shift the coil, up or down, closer or further from the post and you are likely to get a difference in flavour, even with the same coil and the same wattage or voltage.
So should a .7ohm coil taste the same as a 1.2 ohm coil if kept at 3.7 volts for example?
Theoretically no. Different coils will run at different power and temperature, and depending on whether the wraps are touching or spaced may have different heat capacities even if they're made from the same type of wire. They will also have different surface areas. Generally I find that single flavour liquids taste pretty much the same no matter what you do to them, whereas the more complex a liquid is the more nuanced it is with those varying factors.
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