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VooPoo Devices & Connecting to PC


Jan 25, 2015
Bit of an observation and a question...

Decided to upgrade the firmware on my Drag X Plus and my Argus GT. I grabbed the nearest USB C cable and plugged it in to the PC. The Drag X Plus started to charge and so did the Argus GT however it would not connect to the desktop software. I unplugged the cable flipped the cable and connected the other way round (on the USB C end of the cable), still no dice. After that I tried the USB cable from my SX Mini G Class and the same thing happened on both devices.

I dug out the box for the Drag X and used the USB C cable for the device and like magic connected. Do the VooPoo devices have some kind of proprietary pin in the USB socket on the device? I thought that the USB C standard should be the same across all devices? I also noticed that the cable only seems to work when plugged in a certain way on the device as well.

Anyway, hope this helps someone else if they come across the same issue in the future.
There are cables without any wires connected for data transfer, if the cable is provided for a device purely for charging it could be a cheaper 'non data' type.

Although USB C connectors are becoming common a lot of simple mods don't have updateable boards so the cheaper 'non data' type cables are often included.

I keep cables in the packaging and store them in boxes just in case - but I've never updated a mod yet. It would involve searching through a load of boxes and take ages. I should probably deep a 'data cable' and a 'charging cable' ready for use, but I'm not that organised...
There are cables without any wires connected for data transfer, if the cable is provided for a device purely for charging it could be a cheaper 'non data' type.

Although USB C connectors are becoming common a lot of simple mods don't have updateable boards so the cheaper 'non data' type cables are often included.

I keep cables in the packaging and store them in boxes just in case - but I've never updated a mod yet. It would involve searching through a load of boxes and take ages. I should probably deep a 'data cable' and a 'charging cable' ready for use, but I'm not that organised...

That's interesting, the SX Mini G Class is supposed to be firmware updatable over the USB C cable, which is why I used it, assuming it would have a data pin connection. Not tried to update the G Class with that cable but I will have to give it a go now to see what the craic is
That's interesting, the SX Mini G Class is supposed to be firmware updatable over the USB C cable, which is why I used it, assuming it would have a data pin connection. Not tried to update the G Class with that cable but I will have to give it a go now to see what the craic is

I must admit I only use USB cables to charge the couple of Lipo devices I have, otherwise I avoid using them because they can be fragile. The USB port on both my lipo mods are temperamental and some cables don't work, but if I check the cables on other mods the cables are fine - it is the USB port in the mods that have worn.

The newer type USB C are meant to be better, but I think that is because the connector can be fitted either way up and still work - the pins inside are still tiny and can easily get dirty or mashed up if you are ham -fisted.

The cable that came with the G Class SHOULD work for data transfer but it can wear just like any other, if it doesn't I'd give it a squirt of WD40 or similar, sometimes a little cack inside the USB port or cable is the culprit
I must admit I only use USB cables to charge the couple of Lipo devices I have, otherwise I avoid using them because they can be fragile. The USB port on both my lipo mods are temperamental and some cables don't work, but if I check the cables on other mods the cables are fine - it is the USB port in the mods that have worn.

The newer type USB C are meant to be better, but I think that is because the connector can be fitted either way up and still work - the pins inside are still tiny and can easily get dirty or mashed up if you are ham -fisted.

The cable that came with the G Class SHOULD work for data transfer but it can wear just like any other, if it doesn't I'd give it a squirt of WD40 or similar, Sometimes a little cack inside the USB port of cable is the culprit

I'm going to have to buy a new data cable and test this now haha The SX Mini G Class cable had never been used and was just sat in a drawer next to my desk in the box (its pretty much brand new in terms of usage). I don't own any Lipo mods and always charge batteries in a charger and never over USB, force of habit from the old days of vaping. Experiments need to be conducted now
On my DNA Mods i use all sorts of cables and they all seem to work, not tried with a Voopoo so no idea what works.
Bit of an observation and a question...

Decided to upgrade the firmware on my Drag X Plus and my Argus GT. I grabbed the nearest USB C cable and plugged it in to the PC. The Drag X Plus started to charge and so did the Argus GT however it would not connect to the desktop software. I unplugged the cable flipped the cable and connected the other way round (on the USB C end of the cable), still no dice. After that I tried the USB cable from my SX Mini G Class and the same thing happened on both devices.

I dug out the box for the Drag X and used the USB C cable for the device and like magic connected. Do the VooPoo devices have some kind of proprietary pin in the USB socket on the device? I thought that the USB C standard should be the same across all devices? I also noticed that the cable only seems to work when plugged in a certain way on the device as well.

Anyway, hope this helps someone else if they come across the same issue in the future.
What version of flashing software you used?
Hi and welcome to the planet.
This is over year old post. Please try and check date before bumping old posts :)
I understand, but I really need that software. I am searching for versions between and Unfortunately can't upgrade the firmware with the up-to-date flasher tool.
Sorry, can't help as I've never updated any of my 50 mods.
As the old saying goes, if it ain't broke don't try to fix it. Seen way to many posts on here of bricked mods after update attempts.

Have you emailed voopoo direct or checked their support website.
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