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VV/VW and ohm's


Mar 4, 2014
Hi All,

So, I have read the wiki. Looked at a few posts with regards to this. Looked at a cool diagram/xls sheet that shows me the "Best Settings" for my itaste vv v3 Bat.

However, I still don't really understand it all.

What I do understand, and need clarifying.

Atomizer control the ohm's aka resistance.....the lower this is the more Voltage can be pushed thro...ie make the wire hotter.

This is were it gets fuzzy for me:

Voltage - This controls how FAST the wire gets hot? The hirer the voltage that faster the wire get hotter, so the more instant the Vapour? So the more you increase this on your VV the quicker it will create Vapour, and the pen gets hot!?

Watts - This controls the TEMP of the wire? So that higher it is, the hotter it gets. If its too high you can burn out the atomizer? So basically this in effect controls the for a better words humidity/saturation of the vapour? To hot you will burn everything up, including the flavour and nicotine, but get lots of vapour. To cold, you wont get much vapour but lots of flavour....

Is this about right or completely wrong?


Watts are more important as the power drawn will be more with a lower resistance coil.
Have a look at this:
Hopefully you can see that the same volts at different ohms pulls more power from the battery.

Is this about right or completely wrong?

Pretty much completely wrong.

Voltage controls how hot the wire gets, Wattage controls the same thing, so do ohms.

The Ohms Volts Watts relationship is like a triangle, all 3 combined ultimately determine how hot the coil gets. You can change 1 of the 3 and how hot the wire gets will be different, though if you change the length of 1 side of the triangle then you also inadvertantly change the length of the other sides at the same time.

To keep things super simple think of it like this:

Don't worry about ohms for now. Most coils are around 2ohms which is a good place to be.

Voltage control lets you change the heat of the coil 'manually' on most devices you get slightly finer tuning using voltage than you do using wattage. In order to know what voltage settings to use you need to know the ohms of the coil and which settings are recommended (this is where the pretty tables come in) and then you fine tune the final settings from there.

Wattage control is more like 'automatic voltage setting' you can still turn the power up and down, the device checks the resistance (ohms) of the coil and then automagically sets the best voltage setting for you to make it into the power setting you choose.

Most people prefer to vape at around 7-8watts. So you just set in VW mode to 7watts and try it. If you need more you go to 7.5watts and try again and so on and so forth.

If you set the vape too hot you get lots of vapour but burnt taste.

If you set the vape too cold you get little to no vapour and no taste.

The hotter the coil the more easily it turns liquid into vapour. If the wick pulls in more liquid than the coil can turn to vapour you get flooding and gurgling and if the wick doesn't pull in enough liquid you get burnt flavour again.

You need to balance the amount of wicking, and the power settings to get the optimal vape.

In practice, set to around 7 watts and take long slow inhales as opposed to short fast ones and you're usually pretty close to optimal. Then vary the power up or down slightly till you hit your personal preference for that particular e-liquid.
Super! The Ahh's where coming thick and fast as I read through this post! Thanks VaperCaper! I don't believe it, I think I get this now. Also the "Pretty Tables" are more clear now. So I have been doing this the wrong way round, leaving the volts alone and messing with the watts. Thanks again, it make much more sense now. This should be stickyed somewhere!
I've read a heap of various pieces about power/watts/volts etc,but my brain has decided that no matter what the words say my taste buds contradict it.

My Vamo goes up to 15 watts,and juices can taste burnt at this setting.

The online checker says my dripper is running at approx 80 watts,and only gives a burnt taste when the wicks are dry.

Hence my total confusion :rofl:
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