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Vype to Vuse


Jun 10, 2021
Can anybody recommend an alternative device to the Vype E-tank Pro 2?

With the change to Vuse the E-tank is defunct and the new Vuse liquids are not compatible with it.

They sent me a Vuse E-tank mini as a replacement but it is nowhere near in terms of power or quality.

I have been pretty set on the E-tank Pro device and the Vype crisp mint liquid so I'm looking for something as near as possible.

Hi and welcome Ian! What is it you like about the E-Tank Pro 2 as opposed to the mini? It will give us an idea of what you're looking for and so can make a better suggestion.
Hi and thanks for having me.

It's the strength of the draw that I like, I don't know the technical detail of why it works that way, the E-tank mini is very weak, it feels like an effort to draw on it.
You're very welcome!
So by weak do you mean a weak throat hit? Would you like a device that is a tight draw or a loose draw? Or would you like to be able to adjust it? Does it have to be a pen style or are you open to a different style?
I suppose I mean the amount of vape and the ease of the draw. For me the E-tank Pro replicated my smoking experience very well whereas the E-tank mini was like trying to smoke that dodgy ciggie that would be in the pack that had a piece of wood in it and you couldn't take a drag.
Ok so, best thing is to have a look at some of the devices below then come back and ask any questions or tell us what you like or don't like about them then can get an idea of what will suit.
Innokin Sensis
Freemax Twister 30w kit
Freemax Maxus 50w
GTX One kit
Innokin Endura T22 Pro
Wenax K1
See what you think.
Ok, thank you.

Purely aesthetically I like the look of either the GTX one or the Innokin T22. With a lean towards the GTX.

I did have the Innokin T18e recommend to me elsewhere as it uses an identical coil to the E-tank Pro but, the reviews of the T18e are not very good in terms of device quality.
Either of those are great kits and the T22 takes the t18 coils as well as a new coil that comes with it and you can adjust the wattage to a degree. The advantage of the gtx one is you have more control over wattage and airflow.
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