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Want to Quit Smoking? Big Tobacco Is Ready



If you vowed to stop smoking in 2013, Big Tobacco won't be caught off guard. The industry is quickly moving into the manufacturing and sale of electronic cigarettes, a business which Bonnie Herzog at Wells Fargo said brought in $400 million to $500 million in sales in 2012 and will "at least" double in 2013.
"We're actually predicting that consumption of e-cigs could surpass consumption of traditional cigarettes in the next decade," she said.
As he puffed on one inside the Vampire Lounge in Beverly Hills, Calif., Cameron said he welcomes competition from Big Tobacco. "We need them," he said. "They know how to sell cigarettes like nobody else ... we have the technology that has the potential to literally save six million lives a year

I have to say I agree with this statement. Don't get me wrong, I like our (relatively) little community the way it is, self regulating: by which I mean through forums like ours, if a product is a heap of crap or a vendor a rip off merchant, then they soon have to improve or disappear, and I love the feeling of camaraderie between vapers. But perhaps in order to improve or even with the way things seem to be going, to survive we need the input of Big Tobacco with their huge budgets for advertising, research, backhanders and whatever else. And after all is said and done, if they can help keep vaping a legal reality, there is no and doubtful ever will be any law that forces us to buy from them. Meaning specialist manufacturers will, with the support of the community when the Big Boys inevitably start undercutting prices, be able to continue lavishing their beautiful mods and delicious juices upon us.
I agree. I too quite like the feeling of being part of a select minority but it will be much harder to ban if there are some big players in the game.
John Cameron said the product remains a work in progress.
"We have some ways to go, but I think that will be a very short period of development," he said. "This is not a cigarette we're talking about. This is an application driven, software and hardware interface, coupled with something I consume."

Obviously John Cameron has no idea what's the current state of the art in the vaping community.
Obviously John Cameron has no idea what's the current state of the art in the vaping community.

Software? Is he thinking of an Apple iVapephone?

ECCA have a couple of press packs and I think they're useful for educating everybody.
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