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Want to start making my own liquid


New Member
May 18, 2014
Looking to start making my own liquid. I want to make liquids with a bigger throat hit than I can currently find and experiment with flavours.

What's the best way to set about doing this for a beginner?
Looking to start making my own liquid. I want to make liquids with a bigger throat hit than I can currently find and experiment with flavours.

What's the best way to set about doing this for a beginner?

You could do a lot worse than check out Grizwalds guide to mixing.
And the mixology section here on POTV.

Heres a link to Grizwalds guide:

Just exercise caution when handling high strength Nicotine liquids, use a mixing calculator like the one linked to at the top of POTV's homepage and have fun with it.
I was nervous about it when I started but it's actually really straightforward when you get right down to it.
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