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Don't be scared, no one here bites :) We're a friendly bunch with a sense of humour I swear it. So go on, register and come say hello!

Welcome to the Planet!

Make sure to check out the Rules (click here)

While you are doing a little bit of reading make sure to check out our Wiki, which holds loads of information about everything E-Cigs!
Happy Vaping!
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Ok hands up I have been lurking.

Joined now but unsure about vendor status. Could not see anything anywhere re this.

However I am still trying to wake up so maybe I didn't look properly. Only dropped off my son at the train station (train late again), walked the dog, and stuck a lamb tagine in the oven for tonights dinner. Thats a quiet "day off" for me so far.

Anyway forum looks good and I am sure I will enjoy the content and hopefully contribute something.
Welcome to the planet. PM OS or USMMUK about the vendor thing. Should be able to have your own section which you can organise yourself. Check out' Forum leaders' bottom of main page for an idea
I'm being misrepresented I tell ya innocent.gif
I honestly cant remember! I'm guessing search engine tho .. It was just before you changed name ....
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