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Weak taste


Jan 5, 2016
So I've recently started making DIY, yay.

I've got a 100%VG base with 6mg Nic, and I use that as my 80% VG then add flavour at 20% for my PG.

so that's my 80/20 at just under 6mg (I vape 3/6mg so wasn't overly fussed as long as it's under 6)

I've just had an order of CAP sweet strawberry and its recommended (on other sites I've researched) around 8-12% for a "big flavour"

Right now I have it at 20% and can barely taste it.

It is freshly mixed so I'll let it steep and see if it develops, but the same happened with my mango guava and the flavour stayed pretty much the same after a weeks steep.

Is it just me? Or have others had issues like this
Strawberry is pretty weak from most manufacturers, its not an in your face flavour. Best to combine a few different strawberries.

Have you tried mixing it at a lower percentage? Or it you just chuck 20% in?

I use Cap Sweet Strawberry @ 8% in a certain recipe and it's fine.

Also which mango do you have iirc TFA mango is weak.
Yeah I agree I haven't found a stand alone strawberry flavour they all have to be blended with other flavours - custard, creams or other fruits. I find strawberry raspberry and blackberry combined makes a nice vape at about 15% flavour overall.
Also having a 80/20 vg mix vg is not a good carrier of flavour but i do agree strawberry is not a stand alone flavour best to mix with other flavours
Okay cool, so if I get some PG maybe go for a 70/30 and mix in some other flavours next time
Try adding say 6% tpa strawberry ripe to your 12% sweet strawberry should give it a good boost of zingy strawberry.
If you want a good mango try the new mixmaster mango from everything liquid it's fantastic as a single flavour at 8-10% with a couple drops of em.
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