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Weird parcels part 2

not sure if it counts but once was in ikea just getting all the parts for the not so easy to assemble bunk bed wardrobe thingy, needed one more bit so moseyed on over and picked up the part, it was very heavy. Anyway, get home and start to put together, all the while along I'm wondering what the massive heavy box was, well turns out it was the hanging rail for inside the wardrobe. Unfortunately, someone in ikea had forgotten to unpack the box containing the boxes of rails. Have 99 ikea hanging rails if anyone is interested?
Thank God that stopped. Had enough to fill half a dozen heavy duty black bin bags in the end and there was even more stuff turning up addressed to me at my previous address. Amusing to start with when it's one or two things but when it becomes multiple items daily it becomes a bit much.

Best bits were gaming headphones that the nephew got and some 80 odd quid mifo earbuds that wifey got.
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not sure if it counts but once was in ikea just getting all the parts for the not so easy to assemble bunk bed wardrobe thingy, needed one more bit so moseyed on over and picked up the part, it was very heavy. Anyway, get home and start to put together, all the while along I'm wondering what the massive heavy box was, well turns out it was the hanging rail for inside the wardrobe. Unfortunately, someone in ikea had forgotten to unpack the box containing the boxes of rails. Have 99 ikea hanging rails if anyone is interested?

An opportunity for a re-purposing project! Could make one hell of a wind chime with 99 tubes :18: That would piss the neighbours off :doh:
I had a spate of obscure free crap delivered by Amazon early this year, a few nasty plastic phone/tablet cases and some lethal exercising/body building device that was held together with velcro - they all went straight in the bin.

It coincided with my first purchases from AliExpress. Maybe 'free gift' offers that I didn't notice, or possibly a brushing scam where they send you some crap nobody in their right minds would actually buy and give themselves a glowing review to raise their profile on Amazon listings. Either way, I wish they would just send the stuff to landfill in Chine instead of shipping the shite half way round the world to fill up my fucking bin.
I had a spate of obscure free crap delivered by Amazon early this year, a few nasty plastic phone/tablet cases and some lethal exercising/body building device that was held together with velcro - they all went straight in the bin.

It coincided with my first purchases from AliExpress. Maybe 'free gift' offers that I didn't notice, or possibly a brushing scam where they send you some crap nobody in their right minds would actually buy and give themselves a glowing review to raise their profile on Amazon listings. Either way, I wish they would just send the stuff to landfill in Chine instead of shipping the shite half way round the world to fill up my fucking bin.
Brushing is exactly what it is.
Was an exposure thing on Amazon not long ago which showed sellers would create a listing for say 100 cheap items, sell them even cheaper and rack up several dozen positive reviews then alter the listing so its for something a lot more expensive which then looks like it has dozens of glowing reviews.
It's only when you actually read the reviews and people have given info on the items they're providing feed back on that it gets noticed.
Then there are the Amazon ones that never turn up


jdc (2).JPG

Never liked the bloke, my missus thinks the sun shines out of his arse

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