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What are serial dual coils?


May 5, 2014
I have noticed on my coil calculator that it has a setting for dual coils (serial), but I have tried googling for more info and drawn a blank. It suggests that whatever this configuration is, it doubles your resistance rather than halves it the way standard dual coils do. Can anyone enlighten me?
I have noticed on my coil calculator that it has a setting for dual coils (serial), but I have tried googling for more info and drawn a blank. It suggests that whatever this configuration is, it doubles your resistance rather than halves it the way standard dual coils do. Can anyone enlighten me?

Two coils built onto the same wire but the gap not connected to the pos post also called split coils

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes
I think this would qualify and might illustrate it better. works very well actually, heats up much more evenly than a regular micro coil.

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