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What coils power up to 100w?


Jul 15, 2016
I know 0.2ohm coils power up to 50w. So which ones power up to 100w? I am looking for coils compatible with CoolFire IV TC100
Its not really as clean cut as that, and sure theres someone else that will explain it better. but there's 0.2 ohm coils that can handle more than 50w, and every coil could be compatible with your coolfire(if above the lowest resistance coil it will fire).
For example my rx200s I have updated so it will push out 250w, but could still run a 1.8 ohm coil at 10-15w.also it will only fire a coil above 0.1ohm so anything super sub ohm wont work at all. every coil/ tank/juice combination will have its own individual sweet spot, if the wicking is not right or the coil gets too hot it will get burnt.likewise if its flooding or not enough watts then not good vapour or flavour.
Equally you can have a 0.2 coil made of a small amount of wire or a large amount of wire, the latter handling more power than the other.
Dont feel u need to run ur mod at full power just cos u can, experience and gradual experimentation towards that will be far more advantageous in the long run, watch vids on you tube and alike, and understand what ur doing before jumping in the deep end.
Also take into consideration knowing what ur batteries can handle too, u dont want too exceed the amp draw limit on the set up your using, use good reputable batteries, learn about ohms law, be safe and vape on!!
Hope this helps
Its not really as clean cut as that, and sure theres someone else that will explain it better. but there's 0.2 ohm coils that can handle more than 50w, and every coil could be compatible with your coolfire(if above the lowest resistance coil it will fire).
For example my rx200s I have updated so it will push out 250w, but could still run a 1.8 ohm coil at 10-15w.also it will only fire a coil above 0.1ohm so anything super sub ohm wont work at all. every coil/ tank/juice combination will have its own individual sweet spot, if the wicking is not right or the coil gets too hot it will get burnt.likewise if its flooding or not enough watts then not good vapour or flavour.
Equally you can have a 0.2 coil made of a small amount of wire or a large amount of wire, the latter handling more power than the other.
Dont feel u need to run ur mod at full power just cos u can, experience and gradual experimentation towards that will be far more advantageous in the long run, watch vids on you tube and alike, and understand what ur doing before jumping in the deep end.
Also take into consideration knowing what ur batteries can handle too, u dont want too exceed the amp draw limit on the set up your using, use good reputable batteries, learn about ohms law, be safe and vape on!!
Hope this helps
Good reply! And welcome to the forum both
Every day's a school day! surprising what stuff u take for granted when doing it for a while
Thank you for your response benbrain, that has helped me understand more about the coils.. but I'm still unsure which coil is right for me. I will probably be using at least 50w daily. The CoolFire IV TC100 is running internal batteries.. although I don't know what difference that will make for me.
Will these coils suit my setup? https://www.amazon.co.uk/INNOKIN-St...&qid=1468699310&sr=8-5&keywords=innokin+ni200
Or these? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Innokin-re...qid=1468621239&sr=8-4&keywords=isub+coils+0.5
Like what was said before: its really not about numbers, its about enjoying your vape. I have found the 0.3 ohm coils performing well at 23 watts on the isub g and 30 watts on the isub Apex. Actually horrible when you go too far and get a dry hit.
All of them. you just set the watts to what setting you enjoy. I have found the 0.3 to be really good.
Your device is basically a regulated power supply. you really don't need to have it running flat out just because you can.
Your device is basically a regulated power supply. you really don't need to have it running flat out just because you can.
^^^ This.

You can in theory go up to 100W if (IF) the coil in your tank AND your tank can withstand it but a 100W mod is probably not very accurate near the top end of its power so personally the highest wattage I would use on a 100W might be around 80W. At the moment I have four mods with various tanks on the go. I have a 200W mod running at 45W, a 150W mod at 50W, a 120W mod at 60W and a 75W mod at 50W.

Research your tank (you haven't said what it is) and look for reviews and see what reviewers and users recommend in terms of coils and wattage. Then gently experiment starting at the lower end of recommended wattage and very slowly increase until you either hit the top recommended wattage or you find your "sweet spot" where the combination is just right for you, combination of heat, amount of vapour, taste, coil behaviour.
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