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Oct 27, 2017
I was watching several YouTube reviews yesterday evening and something really struck me. The three YouTube reviewers I watched, ALL referenced the same three RDAs whenever making a comparison. The Goon, the Kennedy and the Twisted Messes 24 Pro.

To the very best of my knowledge, only one of those RDAs has been released recently. This got me thinking. I know that YouTube reviewers polarise opinion and three is a very small sample but why do the Goon and the Kennedy get used as reference points so frequently?

I don't own any of these RDAs so I have no opinion but what I'm wondering is this. How is it that two old - ish RDAs can still trump all this new tech? What was being done differently? What should have been picked up and carried forward?

I have not had or used any of the ones you mentioned, but have seen the same comparisons being made.
Maybe I need to get them just to see.
I only recently got a goon clone and it's pretty damn good. Better than any others I've tried.
It's a bit like Kayfuns and Taifuns in the RTA world. Those two decks more or less became the industry standards, certainly until The Rose and The Squape came along. I suppose the problem is that just about everything is just a variation on a theme?
I'm guessing there's only so many ways to support a coil or 2 in a metal pot to oversimplify things.
Reviews attract more reviews. It's like anything really. Once a few of the recognised reviewers review certain products, you find more people reviewing the same products.

That's not to say that they aren't great or there isn't better out there.
How is it that two old - ish RDAs can still trump all this new tech? What was being done differently? What should have been picked up and carried forward?


Kennedy know what they are doing, it's as simple as that... they aren't just churning out RDA after RDA like the Chinese manufacturers. They have no reason to because they got so much right to start with. They have released newer models since the original though and are still making them now, 2 post, 3 post, 24mm and 25mm. I don't think there's much 'new tech' in the RDA world other than doing it differently for the sake of it.... but people keep buying them, so they'll keep making them.
I personally thing they are benchmark for what they did the Kennedy had that under coil airflow and the goon was all about the clamp system and airflow .

Personally most reviews are a crock of shit yes I watch them but I don’t buy because of them the latest isn’t the greatest .

I got the recurve and it’s damn fine airflow perfect for me and flavour to boot that’s my benchMark I now buy rda with the similar airflow .
I don't own any of these RDAs so I have no opinion but what I'm wondering is this. How is it that two old - ish RDAs can still trump all this new tech? What was being done differently? What should have been picked up and carried forward?
This is about design. Its like you can say - rock'n'roll - and everybody can imagine music style. Same thing here. design of this 2 rda very popular. So you can just say kennedy style
I have the goon 1.5 and if the original is anywhere near as good as it then it must be awesome. My other RDAs are the Drop and Bonza and the drop is pretty good, bonza is ok.
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